
My journey started in 2008 on a cold day in Swedish winter. I was watching funny videos online. Then I saw some random stuff about 9/11. The message of those videos shocked me. I was terrified because they showed a different story from what I saw on TV 7 years before. My mind was overwhelmed. That day changed my life forever. Since then, I have been searching for the truth. I kept digging until I discovered striking facts just a few people know in this world.


Here is the collection of life-changing lessons I have put together. I would not trade this knowledge with anything. The wisdom you may find here worth more than a million-dollar or MBA degree from some fancy university. Facts and information that you can not find in TV, newspaper, or schools. Free of charge, the only thing you need is some time.

The meaning of…

Truther: one who knows that the truth is being concealed from the public by a powerful Conspiracy: the activity of secretly planning to do something wrong or illegal Truth: the body of REAL things, events, and factsactuality – sincerity in action, character, and utterance.