Hi, my name is Ben.

My journey started in 2008 in Sweden. I had plenty of free time then because I was between jobs. I was a man in his twenties, and “knew” many facts about history as I was well educated and traveled the world a couple of years….I was confident in what this life was about, the history of humanity, what happened in the twentieth century, etc.

I did not know my life was going to change forever.

 I was watching random videos online about the 9/11 attacks and finally saw a recommended video:

9/11 – no plane 

Wow. What a title!

I hesitated to play that because I KNEW there were planes there…hitting buildings. I saw them on TV…I didn’t know why, but I slowly moved and played, even though’s a waste of time, I KNEW there were planes there.

Watching those videos made me shocked. I DID NOT WANT TO BELIEVE to those videos, but I realized that was not about what I knew before, what I believe, or…what I don’t want to think!!!

WHAT happened THAT DAY?

I wanted to know the truth and did not matter the time or what others think. I wanted to see the TRUTH!! I was confused, excited, terrified. Later in the evening, I called my friends to tell them what I learned, almost shouting on the phone. 

One week later and after watching ALL the videos available about 9/11, after sleepless nights and depressing days

I KNEW… NO planes were hitting the WTC buildings.

Course #2

When I started to tell others the truth, I became a truther unwillingly; I did not plan to spread “conspiracy theories,”…It has just happened.

That was the beginning; since that day, I have been seeking and learning the truth. That was not easy because THE WORLD HIDES it.

“Me against the world”

I have invested thousands of hours (I’m not exaggerating) to become a truther.

I studied ALL the conspiracy theories to the end. Not all of them were true, and not all of them are important.

After 13 years of research, I have collected the most critical facts and made them public here on

Knowing the truth is a must if you want to live. Trusting the world can cost your life.

My courses reveal necessary information about history, science, religion, media, and education. The lessons help you to question your beliefs based on lies.
