
The crucial fact is that after decades and thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers on HIV, no one has been able to isolate HIV. That is getting the virus from a diseased patient and transmitting this virus to another cell to introduce infection and have a continual supply of the virus. What average isolation entails is getting the diseased tissue to remove the sample of contaminants (purification), and then you can view the virus particles under the electron microscope.

Secondly, all the proteins that identify HIV, such as p24, p65 that are the building blocks of HIV, are not unique to HIV, another reason why the tests give false positives.

There was a $1 million reward for anyone that can isolate HIV and publish it in a peer-reviewed scientific paper. Nobody has ever claimed it.

The Great AIDS Hoax by T.C. Fry

Thought-provoking excerpts from the book:

In proclaiming AIDS to be a hoax, and the hysteria and panic that exist to be deliberately manufactured; there must be underlying facts of support. The purpose of this book is to expose the villainous the intent of those who devised and promoted this phony disease and how they have trampled underfoot every human right and dignity in pursuing their nefarious ends. To show that AIDS is a hoax, certain evidence must be adduced. When a big lie has been perpetrated, all facts relating to the lie and its propagation bears inherent evidence of its falsity. In examining AIDS as a scam, it is necessary to piece together the elements that characterize it as a scam. This book involves presenting the various elements that have gone into creating AIDS, its perpetration, and perpetuation. The evidence presented will show conclusively: That AIDS came into existence as a result of a conspiracy.

Why AIDS is a Monstrous Hoax

The book is based on articles that have appeared in the press, in magazines, other books on the subject, in medical and scientific magazines, and especially the medical literature that is current as well as extant. The cartel’s goal in promoting the AIDS farce is enlarging the market for drugs from which it derives enormous profits. America is a drug culture, and the drug culture keeps widening. The modus operandi by which drugs are promoted in the case of AIDS is strictly supplier directed. For instance, from the beginning, chemotherapy was the treatment of choice without any tests whatsoever for efficacy. As a result, almost every AIDS sufferer died. We are told there is no cure for AIDS. Yet, the system does not hesitate to administer drugs massively as if they were curative. Further, test kits are being developed and sold to “detect” “AIDS virus carriers.”Not only are the tests fraudulent in themselves but, if followed up as the “system” insists, hundreds of thousands will die martyrs’ deaths being treated for a nonexistent disease which the “system” declares to be inevitable and which it insists on treating “to protect the population at large.” For instance, the tests are to detect “antibodies” that supposedly evidence the presence of the AIDS virus, which somehow they do not find and which, of course, does not and cannot cause what is called AIDS. All that these tests detect are specialized proteins called opsonins, which are recognition factors for nonself materials and particular types of foods.
But those who test positive for the AIDS virus (because they have antibodies the tests would detect) would be subjected to a a course of drugs which are in themselves immunosuppressive and cause the very conditions they are supposed to prevent or overcome that is, AIDS. Millions might well test positive by these tests and, undoubtedly, thousands upon thousands will be subjected to “virus eradicating” treatments which they would not survive. Thousands more will die, and their deaths, instead of being attributed to drugs, will become additional AIDS statistics deaths.

Why do you claim that HIV/AIDS does not exist?

“You’re calling our doctors, government, and newsmen liars and schemers!” The word hoax means deception, fraud, scam, swindle, rip-off, sham, and other appellations. Long before you finish this book, you will see ample incontrovertible evidence that AIDS is all these descriptions combined! There was and is a diabolical conspiracy to put this one over on Americans and the people of other countries for the greater glory of the bottom line of drug companies, research interests, and self-aggrandizing bureaucrats who orchestrated the plot. Physicians, per se, are dupes and tools in the deception. They are controlled and manipulated like a herd of sheep, though, to be sure, there are some M.D.s in on the conspiracy, the ones in control positions in government and pharmaceutical concerns. The originating agency of record in the matter of AIDS is the Centers of Disease Control. The first significant hoax is the polio hoax. This “disease” was introduced in the late forties combined into a single package of diseases that were before known as infantile paralysis, aseptic meningitis, viral encephalitis, and other meningeal affections. The disease was “terminated” as polio, for practical purposes on May 12, 1955, with the introduction of the Salk vaccine when the CDC introduced new guidelines for the diagnosis of polio. The other diseases were again diagnosed as before their inclusion under the catchall scam palmed off as polio. Polio was thus “wiped out.”

AIDS is not caused by viruses but by drugs.

Taking into account the facts that:

  • AIDS, so-called, is a relatively rare disease, and it’s total annual death rate hardly exceeds total deaths for a single day from cancer and cardiovascular problems, and that
  • About 70% of such cases are confirmed, intravenous drug users, and that
  • The use of poppers is widespread among the homosexual population, 100% of them developing AIDS being users, and that
  • The drugs administered to people with AIDS as chemotherapy are established causes of immunodeficiency as confirmed by The Merck Manual, and that
  • Publicity about AIDS is thousands of times its relative occurrence among the populace compared with heart, stroke, cancer and other problems, and that
  • When such a drug-caused problem as 15,000 yearly deaths from sleeping pills does not receive significant concern or mention in our press and other media, Then it must be concluded that:
  • AIDS is not caused by viruses but by drugs.

The big hysteria and panic over AIDS has been manufactured by the cartel-controlled press, radio, TV, and other media, as a promotion to make new markets for drugs, to generate further inroads into the national treasury and, not least, to give government agencies bigger budgets, power, and increased research monies. To the thoughtful reader, it must be evident that AIDS is an establishment-created swindle to bamboozle and rip off the American populace.

Contagion-An Ancient Myth Resurrected!

Medical practitioners are held in awe and deeply respected,
Therefore their pronouncements, as might be expected,
Are regarded as if divinely perfected.
Upon their authority, there is erected
a belief that disease floats about until a victim is selected,
To be wretchedly and grievously affected.
Called contagion, the belief holds that we are infected,
By malevolent microbes that invade us quite unsuspected,
To wreak destruction upon us unless we are by vaccines
Hence we hie to the medic we’ve elected,
To inoculate us with vaccine from a needle injected,
That we might henceforth by evil microbes be neglected.
Though of voodooistic origin, contagion has been medically
To ensnare a populace that invariably becomes dejected,
Because cures through medicine are never affected.
Until the sublime truth that similar organisms from nature
Suffer similarly when life’s laws are in like manner
The disease will remain as long as lousy life habits are uncorrected.

You’re All Wet About Contagion

Did it ever occur to you that you cannot give anyone your diseases any more than you can give them your health? Contagion was born from demonology. In olden times diseases meant that demons possessed us. Those with demons were shunned lest they take up residence in those who came in contact. We have made progress! Demons have progressed to evil spirits to bacteria and fungi and now, to viruses! But the diseases which we can catch are so few as not to merit concern anyway! Do we catch cancer? Asthma? Arthritis? Psoriasis? Canker sores? Heart disease? Diabetes? High blood pressure? Itch? Athlete’s foot? You are hard to put to name more than a few “transmissible” or “communicable” diseases. And even these are not contagious despite “obvious” appearances and all the confirmation of medical “science.” Colds are said to be very contagious. How is it baby has colds about eight times a year and the parents only once or twice? How
is an isolated man in the Antarctic who operated an observation post “caught” four colds during his stay? Medical scientists were baffled, and that caused quite a flap. How was it that in 1965-67 the great cold laboratories conducted in Bethesda, Maryland, by the National Institutes of Health showed everything but contagion? In those experiments, volunteers were swabbed daily with the cold viruses from those suffering from colds. Those swabbed did not come down with colds! Colds did not occur in a more significant number than among a control group. If I lined up one hundred people, gave them all an emetic, and all vomited, you might conclude that vomiting is quite contagious. But this only proves that: Similar organisms that are exposed to similar substances have similar reactions.

Are Deficiencies Contagious?

If someone suffered osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency, do you think anyone can acquire this deficiency by associating intimately with the osteoporotic sufferer? Do you think anyone‘s defensive mechanisms (miscalled immunity) that are impaired can pass their shortcomings on to others? AIDS stands for “acquired immune deficiency syndrome.” The word acquired is an odd way of saying “you caught it” or “it -:” caught you.” Immune derives from the phrase immuno, which means that we are exempt from consequences if we transgress the laws of life. Of course, we can’t be made “immune” to anything. Vitality can be suppressed so that the body cannot act, but this is debility rather than immunity. If lack of body action is to be labeled immunity, death makes us immune to all diseases. For, to the extent, we have been devitalized by drugs, vaccines, etc., to that extent have we died-our body faculties have been destroyed to that extent.

Immunity Is a Medical Myth

Let’s look at immunity another way. If you give a jigger of liquor to a three-year-old, the child will spit and sputter until it frees itself of the vile stuff. Give it to an alcoholic, and there is no resistance. The alcoholic has lost the vital powers of resistance. The medical community would say that the alcoholic has immunity because he is not affected, whereas the healthy, robust child does not have immunity! The vitality or lack of vitality of the body’s defensive mechanisms is not something that can be acquired by intimate contact with someone else. Vitality is a characteristic of health and its lack is a characteristic of someone who has lost their health due to
unwholesome practices. In nature, there is no such thing as being immune. All acts have consequences. All causes have effects. Nothing that humans do will suspend the laws of our existence. The idea of immunity in
the physiological world is a pure myth. America’s drug makers and purveyors, a part of the cartel that effectively controls our country and its institutions, can force or buy anything they want, including intellectual prostitution. And the invention and “scientific” sanctification of outright hoaxes is part of the game they play to control, manipulate, rip off and, the way it works out, to despoil us! The word immune was given medical currency as an adjunct to the vaccination game, which has long been a big moneymaker for pharmaceutical interests.
