
One day: strong and happy. Another day: chemotherapy treatment. This was the fate of eight-year-old Alice, who I read about in the local newspaper.

It’s a huge tragedy and although I don’t know her,

my heart goes out to her family.

According to statistics, one child’s life is changed forever every day in Sweden.

Some only have a few months to live.

Who knows how long Alice will live? God help her!

International Childhood Cancer Day is on the fifteenth of February. It is usually a time for organisations to raise awareness of the need for more research and donations.

Every year, Swedes donate around

1.4 billion Swedish Crowns

to cancer research (400 million SEK to the Children’s Cancer Foundation and SEK 950 million to the General Cancer Foundation). Poor people don’t know that it’s all for nothing: Alice didn’t have time to smoke five or six packs of red Marlboros a day so that the white coats could blame her for the disease.

Why did she get leukaemia?

Ask a doctor, he doesn’t know, all he knows is to prescribe the “golden medicine”, chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is not only a billion-dollar business, but for many it is the final nail in the coffin. In the 1980s, chemotherapy was prescribed to gay people to cure AIDS. It was later found to be better for cancer! This is no joke! Chemotherapy is nothing more than a chemical weapon from the First World War, similar to mustard gas. Golden medicine… not!

So why did Alice get cancer? The average person’s knowledge of chemistry is below the level of a frog’s arse, so people haven’t heard of formaldehyde and

how much formaldehyde was put into Alice’s bloodstream from infancy

through dozens of vaccinations. It’s in every vaccine, it’s a known carcinogen, but you’re not supposed to research against vaccines. Even two billion Crowns is not enough to statistically compare the proportion of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, how many get cancer and how many are cancer-free in the two groups.

It is also a fact that all alternative cancer treatments are illegal! Alice can only get chemotherapy by law! ! !

The laws are written by the wolves, the vaccines cooked by the devil and the sheeple duped by the media/school system into taking their children for bi-monthly vaccinations.

750-800 children are being treated for cancer in Sweden

You can read more about the shocking facts that I’ve learned about vaccines over the years here: (Or keep watching Netflix, whatever)

Be safe,


02/18 2024.