
For the past 150 years, scientists have been working diligently to propagandize the public into believing that modern humans descended from ancient apes. The most difficult theoretical leap for their theory is this supposed transition from a monkey to a human—the utter impossibility of evolving abilities like bipedality, erect spinal columns, and complex linguistic skills. As for me, I have never seen a talking animal with clothes on. To find a missing link between ape and man was their utmost goal to publish it like real proof for their theory.

Neanderthal man

The first “discovery” was found in Germany’s Neander Valley in 1856, just in time to release Darwin’s Origin of Species. To this day, drawings of hairy ape-like “Neanderthal men” are depicted in scholarly journals and school textbooks and claimed to be a missing evolutionary link. The fact is that all so-called Neanderthal remains are not different from modern humans. Also, the skull size shows its brain was 13% larger than the average brain of a modern man.

Java man

Eugene Dubois made the next “discovery” in 1892 in Java, Indonesia. He was a student of evolution when he found a skullcap, a leg bone, a jaw fragment, and three teeth, from which he reconstructed the Java man. However, the teeth were of different ages, and the bones a mixture of human and ape, with a giant gibbon skull. Many concluded that the thigh bone belonged to a human and the skullcap to a primate.

Piltdown man

In 1912 a doctor and paleontologist named Charles Dawson claimed to have found a jawbone and cranial fragment of an ape-man in Piltdown, England. It was alleged to be 500 thousand years old, and they displayed as absolute proof of human evolution in museums across the world. For the next 40 years, they wrote scores of scientific articles, artist reconstructions, and over 500 doctoral theses about Piltdown man. However, in 1953, tests proved that the Piltdown skull was human and only a few hundred years old, while the lower jaw was from an orangutan.

Investigators found that Dawson had artificially worn down the orangutan jaw. After the forgery was made public, they removed the British Museum’s Piltdown man, where it had been on display for 40 years.

Nebraska man

Henry Fairfield Osborn carried out the next fraudulent attempt on finding s real ape-man fossil in 1922. Osborn, who was the director of the American Museum of Natural History, declared that he had been sent an anomalous tooth found in Nebraska, which had both monkey and man’s characteristics. He determined that it came from ancient times from the transitional species “Pithecanthropus Erectus” and labeled the tooth’s owner “Nebraska man.”

Based on this single tooth, Osborn drew reconstructions of the Nebraska man’s head and body. Moreover, they pictured Nebraska man along with his wife and children, as a whole family in a natural setting.” – Harun Yahya: The Evolution Deceit.

Once the Nebraska “Pithecanthropus Erectus” made the media round of popular publications and the pliable public was sufficiently propagandized, the story disappeared until 1928 when Bryan and Gregory examined the tooth. Their investigations conclusively found that the tooth did not belong to man or ape but was from a wild American pig. When they published the truth, scientific publications removed all Nebraska man’s drawings and models about his family.

Ota Benga

“Some evolutionists believed that a “half-man half-ape” creatures were to be found not only in the fossil record but also alive in various parts of the world. In the early 20th century, these pursuits led to unfortunate incidents, Ota Benga’s story was one of the cruelest. An evolutionist researcher in the Congo captured him. In his tongue, his name meant “friend.” He was a Pygmy, had a wife and two children. Chained and caged like an animal, they took him to the USA, where scientists displayed him to the public in the St. Louis World Fair along with other ape species and introduced him as the “closest transitional link” to man. Two years later, they took him to the Bronx Zoo in New York. They exhibited him under the denomination of “ancient ancestors of man,” along with a few chimpanzees, gorilla, and orangutan. Dr. William Hornaday, the zoo’s evolutionist director, gave long speeches on how proud he was to have this “transitional form” in his zoo and treated caged Ota Benga as if he were an ordinary animal. Unable to bear the treatment he was subjected to, Ota Benga eventually committed suicide. These scandals demonstrate that evolutionist scientists do not hesitate to employ any unscientific method to prove their theories.” – Harun Yahya: The Evolution Deceit.


In 1974 Donald Johansson discovered Lucy, a three-foot-tall supposedly three-million years old “Australopitchicine” in Ethiopia. Widely publicized as our direct human ancestor, Lucy made the usual rounds of scientific magazine journals and school textbooks. Don Johansson modestly claimed that Lucy was “the most important find made by anyone in the history of the entire human race,” and the media heralded him a hero. He never allowed independent scientists to examine Lucy’s bones until 1982. Today many scientists agree that Lucy is simply an extinct type of ape, similar to chimpanzees and nothing more. They were not bipedal or erect, couldn’t walk or talk, and spent most of their time on trees.

Orce man

In 1982 a skull fragment was found in Orce’s Spanish town was hailed to be the oldest fossilized human remains ever found in Europa and Asia. “Orce man” was supposedly a 17-year-old ape-man who lived 1 million years ago, and they presented him to the world with the usual reconstructed drawings showing a young hairy teenager. In 1983, however, a team of scientists from France concluded that the skull fragment was actually from a four-month-old donkey. After more conclusive tests, The Daily Telegraph, on May 14, 1984, carried the headline “Ass taken For Man.”


“Reconstruction can be explained as drawing a picture or constructing a model of a living thing based on a single bone – sometimes only a fragment – that has been unearthed. The ape-men we see in newspapers, magazines, or films are all reconstructions. The fossils claimed to be evidence for the human evolution scenario are, in fact, products of fraud. For more than 150 years, not even a single fossil to prove evolution has been found.” – Harun Yahya: The Evolution Deceit.

All the drawings of ape-men are complete fiction because no one can accurately determine a creature’s outward appearance based on bone structure. Soft tissue, which vanishes quickly after death and responsible for the look of one’s eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, eyebrows, skin, totally depends on the person’s imagination reconstructing them.

Haeckel’s fraud

A friend of Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel, postulated that human embryos experience a miniature form of the entire evolutionary impulse during their development in the womb, displaying first characteristics of fish, then reptile, and lastly mammalian or human.

Hackel had copied and printed the same human embryo pictures several times over, claiming each was various other animal embryos with exact parallels. The similarities do not exist. The images were copies he knowingly and intentionally made to suit his recapitulation idea.

“He not only altered his illustrations of embryos but also printed the same plate of a source three times, and labeled one human the second dog and the third rabbit to show their similarity. “- Malcolm Bowden: Ape-men: Fact or fallacy?

His fraudulent work has long been eliminated from scientific literature, but many people still unknowingly quote and believe in Haeckel’s work. Several magazines and school books are still publishing his hoaxed pictures and recapitulation theory as a scientific fact!

men have been men and apes have been apes

“According to the evolutionist scenario, men and today’s apes have common ancestors. These creatures evolved in time, and some of them became the apes of today, while another group that followed another branch of evolution became the men of today. However, all the paleontological, anatomical, and biological findings have demonstrated that this claim of evolution is as fictitious and invalid as all the others. No sound or real evidence has been put forward to prove a relationship between men and ape, except forgeries, distortions, and misleading drawings and comments. The fossil record indicates to us that throughout history, men have been men and apes have been apes.” – Harun Yahya: The Evolution Deceit

Source: Books of Eric Dubay

Teachers say to the kids in school that humans are animals because “people are mammals.” That is insane!
We are not primates. “I have ears. The elephant has ears, too, which makes me an elephant.” These statements are ridicoulous. I have never seen beasts wearing clothes, communicating like we do or building houses, driving cars, writing books, etc.
So what we have in common with the animals?
We do have a body of “flesh” as the other living creatures. We have bones, muscles, skin, blood, hair, etc. Our body is also from dirt. Dust. Soil. An embryo develops in the mother’s womb, building up a body, only from the mothers’ blood supply. Her blood contains nutrition and the necessary building “material” for the fetus to grown. From where comes the nutrition? From the food she consumes, which comes from the soil. It can be a vegetarian or animal source; both originate from the ground of the Earth. All the living creatures share this common. But this fact does not make us an animal.
Schools brainwash the kids in the early years that we come from monkeys and anyway just animals. Which sells the lie to enjoy life follow your dreams like a monkey.
You can’t find the truth in the textbooks.