
We learned in school about the inner core of the Earth. But nobody told us, the Truth is far away from the teacher’s wisdom. All these fancy pictures are science-fiction. Nobody knows what is below 12 km. Why? Because we have never drilled deeper. All the textbooks about the subject are just theories taught to the kids as fact. Science became the new world’s religion: people blindly believe in the experts’ vain babblings.

It is also interesting that people, whether religious (Catholic, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, etc.) or not, all believe in science. The opinions of secular and religious people may differ in many ways, but they all have surrendered to science without exception. They do not see that the folly of science has deceived them. 

Project Mohole

The United States undertook the first attempt to drill through the crust in the early 1960s. It was an ambitious attempt because the objective was not to drill into the crust but to drill through it and into the mantle. In the process, geologists hoped to gain valuable insight into the Earth’s age, makeup, and internal processes and provide answers to the mystery of continental drift, which was still controversial.

In the spring of 1961, five holes were drilled off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico, under Project Mohole, which one historian described as “the earth sciences’ answer to the space program.” It was chosen to drill through the seafloor because the Earth’s crust was thinner under the oceans. The hole reached only 183 meters before the government pulled funding, and they abandoned the project. 

Geologists admitted: “we don’t know anything about the continental crust.

Project Kola Superdeep 1971-1993

In 1971 the Soviets decided to take a crack at the crust. Unlike the Americans, they set a modest target depth of 15 km. It took a long time to reach its final depth of 12,226 meters. Engineers hoped to reach 15,000 meters by 1993, but the temperature was much higher than expected—about 180 °C—and that e wrecked havoc on the equipment, and it was decided that drilling deeper was not feasible.

But as is often the case when humans venture into the unknown, Kola illustrated that certainty from a distance is no certainty at all, and a few scientific theories were left in ruin. Scientist commented, every time we drill a hole, we find the unexpected. That’s exciting but disturbing.”

Data had long shown that seismic waves travel significantly faster below that depth, and geologists had believed that this was due to a “basement” of basalt. Instead, they discovered the difference between the rock brought on by intense heat and pressure or metamorphic rock. Even more surprisingly, this deep rock was found to be saturated in water, which filled the cracks. Because free water should not be found at those depths, scientists theorize that the water is comprised of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which were squeezed out of the surrounding rocks due to the incredible pressure.

At that level of heat and pressure, the rocks began to act more like plastic than a solid, and the hole tended to flow closed whenever man pulled out the drill bit for replacement.

German Continental Deep Drilling Programme

Another ultra-deep drilling project commenced in Bavaria in 1990, where German engineers drilled to a depth of 9,101 meters. They encountered unusually high temperatures of more than 260 °C. At that temperature and pressure, the rocks behaved like a fluid, and it was challenging to keep the borehole open.

Scripture states that God founded the Earth upon waters. The Soviet, American and German drilling programs confirm the truth of the Bible because all depth tests were filled with water. Geologists were surprised by the result because they did not expect water in those depths. The Bible again has proven to be more accurate than science. That’s why I put a lot of emphasis on the Bible, and not because I’m “religious.” Three superpowers could not dig as deep they wanted, despite unlimited resources. Why? Man will never be able to transcend the boundaries of the Earth, which the Creator established.

source: www.damnintresting.com www.amusingplanet.com

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. The heaven for height, and the Earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable.”



“Before the Creation, the Earth was in a state of solution, which will account for the stratification of the different kinds of rocks, laid for the most part according to their specific weight. This idea is strengthened by the words in Genesis, where the Earth is said to be tehu vebehu, “without form and void”, when darkness was on the face of the Deep. (metamorphic/liquid rock?)

Tehu signifies unformed, confused, and vebehu empty, void, loose, just like the Earth might be expected to be before it was constituted, by the action of the water, into the level of stratification of the rocks. These words, tehu, vebehu, occur together in two other passages of Scripture, illustrative of their meaning, namely- “He shall stretch out upon it the lines of confusion and the stones of emptinessIsaiah Xxxiv. 11— “I beheld the earth, and lo, it was without form and void, and they had no light there.” Jeremiah iv. 22

“For they willfully forget that there were heavens from of old, and an Earth on account of water, and by means of water, compacted by the word of God.” 2 Peter iii. 5

In Job we find it asked— “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the Earth? Declare if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it?” — Job xxxviii. 4, 5 Here, the word yasadi, foundations may refer to the mountains’ granite bases, and the word mamdia, to the strata laid upon them, for it is derived from the root madad to extend or stretch. The strata are all horizontal, with the exceptions, of course of those places what are called “faults” occur, which have been caused, either by the breaking up of all the fountains of the Great Deep, or by volcanic disturbances.

The layers’ horizontality proves that the Earth never whirled around the Sun or any other heavenly body, for, had it done so, the strata would undoubtedly have been curved, instead of which they are all straight.

The tides and the Great Deep

The ocean’s tides have long been considered as being caused by the “attraction” of the Moon. The Moon has nothing to do with the tide.

Isac Newton himself confessed that his explanation of the Moon’s action on the Tides was the least satisfactory part of his Gravitation theory. This theory asserts that the larger object attracts, the smaller. Astronomers reckon the mass of the Moon as one-eighth of that of the Earth. It follows that, if by the presumed force of gravitation, the Earth revolves around the Sun, for the same reason, should the Moon do so likewise (to orbit around the Sun).

The Earth is stated to be “founded upon the seas and established upon the floods”—Psalms Xxiv. 2, and the Tides are for the most part caused by the flux and reflux of the waters of the Great Deep, with which the Earth is assuredly most closely connected. — “He gathered the waters of the sea together as an heap. He layeth up the depth in storehouses“— Psalms Xxxiii. 7.

“The gentle and gradual rise and fall of the Earth on the bosom of the mighty Deep causes the Tides. There are no tides in inland lakes, which also proves that the Moon cannot attract the Earth or water to cause tides.” (Mr. Winship: Zetetic Cosmology)

Occasionally the sea coast is swept by what is called Tidal Wave. How these abnormal tides arise is a moot point, but I think it is most probable that they are caused by earthquakes displacing the land and letting the volume of the sea roll far beyond its boundaries.

The Great Earthquake

The great Lisbon Earthquake, which occurred on 1st November 1755, was the cause of immense loss of life and property by sea and land. That Earthquake extended over four million square miles, and particulars of it were noted in many places from Morocco to Norway and from Antigua to Bohemia.

“The bed of river Tagus was in many places raised to the surface. Ships were driven from the anchorage and jostled together with great violence, nor did their masters know whether they were afloat or aground. A huge new quay sunk to an unfathomable depth with several hundreds of people who were upon it, nor was one of the dead bodies ever found. (Encyclopedia Britannica)

It is interesting to notice what significant disturbances this Earthquake caused in distant lakes, ponds, springs, and rivers, where the shock itself was scarcely felt or not at all. People observed rapid water level changes or other strange things that happened that morning of lakes, springs, and rivers. (Scotland, Great Britain, Germany.)

From these facts, we may learn something of the gratifications that must exist in chambers and channels under the Earth, evidently connected with the Great Deep waters.

 Source: David Wardlaw Scott: Terra Firma

The currents of the Great Deep

There are mighty Ocean Currents and Streams, from 200 to 400 miles in breadth and from 3000 to 4000 miles in length. They are deep, calm and steady, and flow at 2 miles per hour on average. The courses of these immense currents, which flow in opposite directions through the ocean, could not exist on convexity. These are vast Ocean Rivers that cannot flow upwards in their routes, any more than the Rivers of the Earth can do in theirs, the upward flow of running water being entirely contrary to the laws of nature. In Psalm xxiv. 2, we read that Elohiym founded the Earth “upon the seas and established it upon the floods.” The “floods” here must doubtless be those mighty Ocean Currents, which majestically flow from the fountains of the Great Deep.

The most noted currents are:

  • Great Gulf Stream,
  • North African and Guinea
  • Southern Atlantic
  • Arctic

Whence do these vast currents proceed? Geographers and Astronomers are unable to account for these great bodies of water flowing through the oceans.

These Currents may flow from the Great Deep’s fountains and are meant for superior service like all the Creator’s works. (circulation, navigation, climatic influence on land)

Source: David Wardlaw Scott: Terra Firma

The rivers come from and return to the Great Deep

Rivers have all a downward and never an upward course, thus proving that the Earth is not spherical and not a planet. Artesian wells water may be found in most parts of the world. Such waters can not be deposited by rain, for even in the most porous soil, water does not penetrate more than a few feet so that these supplies must come from the Great Deep direct, or reservoirs of water connected with it in caverns of the Earth.

 “All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

Ecclesiastes I. 7

Competent authorities estimated that the quantity of water each of the larger rivers pours into the sea in a single year is sufficient to cover the Earth’s whole surface. (the annual volume of water of a single river would cover the highest mountains) The number of the big rivers on Earth estimated to be 570!
We may safely conclude that the water quantity the rivers pour annually into the ocean would cover the Earth 570 times! Where does all this water go?

Largest Rivers by volume

  • Mississippi
    • Volume: 16,792 m3/sec – 593,000 cu ft/s
    • Length:3,730 km /2,320 miles
    • Discharges to: the Gulf of Mexico
  • Saint Lawrence
    • Volume: 16,800 m3/sec – 590,000 cu ft/s
    • Length:3,058 km /1,900 miles
    • Discharges to: Gulf of Saint Lawrence
  • Lena
    • Volume: 16,871 m3/sec – 595,794 cu ft/s
    • Length:4,472 km /2,647 miles
    • Discharges to: Laptev Sea
  • Yenisei
    • Volume: 19,600 m3/sec – 692,167 cu ft/s
    • Length:5,550 km /3,449 miles
    • Discharges to: Kara Sea
  • Río de la Plata
    • Volume: 22,000 m3/sec – 777,000 cu ft/s
    • Length:3,998 km /2,484 miles
    • Discharges to: Atlantic Ocean
  • Yangtze
    • Volume: 30,166 m3/sec – 1,065,302 cu ft/s
    • Length:6,418 km /3,988 miles
    • Discharges to: East China Sea
  • Orinoco
    • Volume: 36,000 m3/sec – 1,165,384 cu ft/s
    • Length:2,140 km /1,330 miles
    • Discharges to: Atlantic Ocean
  • Congo
    • Volume: 41,200 m3/sec – 1,447,901 cu ft/s
    • Length:4,371 km /2,716 miles
    • Discharges to: Atlantic Ocean
  • Amazon
    • Volume: 209,000 m3/sec – 7,381,000 cu ft/s
    • Length:6,453 km /4,010 miles
    • Discharges to: Atlantic Ocean

source: www.insidermonkey.com/largestrivers

The rivers I have listed above have a total water flow of 391,600 m3 / second. There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year, which means the total discharge of the nine largest rivers is 

12,357,956,160,000,000,000,000 m3 water/ year.

(twelve sextillions, three hundred fifty-seven quintillion, nine hundred fifty-six quadrillion, one hundred sixty trillion m3/year.) Imagine that there are another 561 rivers that have significant water flows on Earth.

The first grand question is:

Whence does this prodigious quantity of water come? From raindrops?

The second:

Unless the ocean communicates with the same great abyss and thereby maintains the rivers’ circulation, how does it happen that no perceptible variation in the water level results from this ample supply?

Philosophers/scientists are assuming that vapors supply rivers precipitated upon the Earth in rain, snow, and dew. A water quantity is vaporized from the ocean by the solar heat equal to that contributed by the rivers. This assumption is incorrect.

The highest estimate of the mean annual fall of rain throughout the world is 34 inches. But only one-third of the Earth’s surface is dry land so that only one-third of the quantity of the rain that falls would be available for the supply of the rivers. What would be 11 inches of water on the ground compared to the height of Mount Everest 570 times? Rainfall could not feed the rivers!

The existence of oases in deserts proves that it is not the rain that gathered water in a pit, but it comes from the Great Deep chambers and canals.

Oasis in Peru

Our world is not a planet, but a real Terra Firma, founded upon the Great Deep waters, from which comes, and to which return, with the unceasing flow of the Earth’s rivers, under the wise and beneficent purpose of our Divine Creator.

Source: David Wardlaw Scott: Terra Firma

Job was asked many questions by Yahuah, which he was unable to answer, a few of these:

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the Earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the cornerstone thereof?…. Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days began; And caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold of the ends of the Earth? Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Or hast thou walked in the search of the depth? —Job xxxviii.

The noble Patriarch’s answer: “I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye seeth Thee, Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”

“In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.”

Genesis 1:1.

For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.”

Psalms 24:2.

I am Yahuah that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the Heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the Earth by Myself.

Isaiah 44:24.

He hath described a circumference upon the face of the waters unto the boundary of light, with darkness.”

Job 26:10

Map of the World as a plane

In conclusion, we may see more real science in the Bible, particularly in Genesis, Exodus, Enoch, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Isaiah than in all Universities and Observatories in the world. Grand nuggets of real knowledge are embedded there, but it requires a humble heart to seek.