
Sir Richard Owen, the British Museum Natural History Department’s Superintendent, defined the class “Dinosauria” in 1842. During the same period, Darwin’s theory of evolution became popular. The assumption of the existence of dinosaurs arose before anyone even found any bone or a single fossil. The media and press worldwide got to work exciting stories of these supposed long-lost animals, and then twelve years later, they found proof of Owen’s theory. He mailed a few unidentified teeth to leading paleontologists Joseph Leidy, who declared them to be from an ancient extinct trachodon (rough tooth) dinosaur.

It is impossible to reconstruct an entire ancient animal from a few teeth! They present dinos to the public with colorful artistic reconstructions, drawings, models, mannequins, gigantic skeletons in museums, movies showing these beasts in explicit detail. Still, the fact is from the assigning and arrangement of bones in each species; it is impossible to discern soft tissue, skin, eyes, noses, color, hairiness, texture. All dino reconstructions are 100% fictional fabrications created by inventive evolutionists.

“From fossil marks, some of which are scarcely discernible, from a jaw bone, a tibia or a claw, they have constructed animals of such grotesque appearance as, to use an expression common in my young days, “would be enough to frighten the French.” – David Wardlaw Scott: Terra Firma

And is even more dubious that such fossils supposedly existed for millions of years but were never found by or known to any civilization in history until evolutionism’s renaissance in the 19th century. “Before the 1800s, no one ever knew dinos existed. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, large deposits of dinosaur remains were discovered. Why has man suddenly made all these discoveries?” – David Wozney: Dinosaurs: Science or Science fiction?

Bone wars

Edvard Drinker Cope of the Academy of Natural Sciences and Othniel Marsh of the Peabody Museum of Natural History began a life-long rivalry and passion for dinosaur hunting. Marsh had “discovered” 80 dinos, while Cope only 56. None of them found a complete skeleton; all their work involved reconstructions. To this day, nobody has seen a single complete dinosaur skeleton.

“Discoveries and excavations seem not to be made by disinterested people, such as farmers, rangers, hikers or pipeline diggers but rather by people with a vested interest, such as paleontologists, scientists, university professors, and museum personnel who were intentionally looking for dinosaur bones or who have studied dinos previously. The finds are often made during special dinosaur-bone hunting trips and expeditions by these people. This seems highly implausible.” – David Wozney: Dinosaurs: Science or Science fiction?

Paleontologists “found” incredible numbers of fossils in tiny areas. In one of the largest dino excavation sites, called the Ruth Mason Quarry, over 2000 fossils were allegedly discovered. Florentino Ameghino, head of paleontology at La Plata Museum is responsible for 6000 species supposedly discovered throughout his career in Argentina. Dinosaur hunter Earl Douglass sent 350 tons of excavated dino bones to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, all coming from Dinosaur National Monument in Utah. Dr. Luis Chiappe “discovered” thousands of dino eggs at a site of only a few hundred square yards. Many experts have mentioned how such finds of vast quantities of fossils in one area by just a few individuals go against natural probability laws and lends credence to the likelihood of forgeries and concentrated planting efforts.

Engraved Illustrations of Victorian-era Engraving of a Dinosaur Skeleton on Display at a Museum from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851.

The fact that t-rex bones have sold at auctions for upwards of 12$ million shows how lucrative the field of fossil hunting can be, and it just happens to be museum officials who seem to make the most prolific finds!

No independent researcher has ever examined a real dino bone. The actual “fossils are kept in high-security storage, not available to the general public.

Most people believe that dino skeletons displayed in museums consist of real bones. This is not the case. The structures exhibited are all admittedly intricate fabrications made of plaster, fiberglass, various epoxies, and other animal bones.

Zigong Dino Ocean Art Company

One of the largest fake dinosaur suppliers provides natural history museums worldwide with ultra-realistic dino skeletons made from real bones. They melt down chicken, dog, cat, frogs, horse, and pig’s bones mix with glue, resin, and plaster and use as a base material for re-casting as dino skeletons. Their website boasts that over 62% of their output goes to American and European markets, and they are a partner of Dinosaur Museums and follow all regulations.


Many dino reconstructions feature bipedal monsters like a t-rex with a forward-leaning torso and a much more extensive head than its counterbalancing tail. It is doubtful that beasts this large and disproportionate could exist at all.

“People’s view on the existence of dinos is based not in firm evidence, but on Hollywood fixated artistic impressions. Documentaries colorfully illustrate each dino’s characteristics, like colors, weight, and muscle mass, but Don Lessem (Jurassic park advisor) admits this is pure guesswork. Scientists don’t know how much dinos weigh!” – Robbin Koefoed: The Dinosaurs Never Existed

Many claims that since dino fossils have been radiometrically dated to be millions of years old, their authenticity is proven. The methods used to date fossils involve not measuring the actual bones but the rocks near where they were found. The public knows nothing about the uncertainties in the dating of rocks. Most people have received the impression that many rocks on Earth are ancient, and the technology exists to make accurate measurements of ages. Scientists know that the measurement machine tells us nothing about the actual age of a rock or bone.

Source: The books of Eric Dubay

Carbon dating?

…… “In 1940, they invented carbon dating. We will explain a little bit about radiometric dating, how it is supposed to work, and we’ll show you – it does not work! It sounds good, but here are some assumptions that mess everything up.

If we have walked into a room, we see a candle burning on the table. Answer the question: when was it lit? It was burning when I got here. Okay, well, let’s do some empirical science. Let’s measure the height of the candle! Let’s say the candle is 7 inches tall; who can tell me, when was it lit? Okay, nobody, let’s do some more empirical science; let’s measure the burn rate! Let’s say 1 inch per hour. When was it lit? You are going to have a hard time telling me unless you make some assumptions. If you find a fossil in the dirt, you may measure how much C14 is in it, very accurately, by the way. And you can measure how fast is that decaying. That is like measuring how tall your candle is and how fast it is burning. When did that animal die? You won’t have a clue!

Things to consider about radiometric dating:

Samples of known age- it does not work! Samples of unknown age- it is assumed to work!

A freshly killed seal was carbon-dated as having died 1300 years ago! (Antarctic Journal Vol 6 1971 p 211)

Shells from living snails were carbon-dated as being 27000 years old! (Science vol 224 1984 p 61)

Living penguin was carbon-dated 8000 years old!” – Kent Hovind

“The paleontological establishment can control which hypotheses will be constructed through textbooks and the curriculum. They brainwash the students in pseudo-reality by the text material and the teacher’s authority. A short practical example: a random dental bone is found at an excavation site, and from this dental bone, the rest of the skeleton is guessed at. We are not kidding about this. The entire dinosaurian field of the paleontological program is a sham.” – Robbin Koefoed: The Dinosaurs Never Existed

And what about that scientific tale then, which claims that these monsters were destroyed by a meteor impact 66 million years ago?

There was no Stone Age

In the 19th Century, Geologists discovered Chipped Flints, “which they hastily described as being arrowheads, spearheads, and ax heads, according to their size made by antediluvians who lived in what they called Flint Age (Stone Age.) Sober minded people, however, had very grave doubts about the matter. These flints were found in so many different places and locations unlikely ever to have the been abode of men. And also in such vast quantities that the supposition of being human-made would be foolishness.”

“It is remarkable that the particles of sand, put under a microscope, present the same appearance very much as those larger chipped flints, suggesting the idea that the same process of erosion which shaped the one may have produced the marks of chipping of the other.”

Sand under…

There has never been a Flintstone family or any other pre-historic man. Brainwashing children through cartoons dramatically affects how they will live and think as adults.

The Ice Theory

“The supposed glacial period of which certain geologists make so much is one of the most improbable myths that they ever concocted in the human mind. In his book “The Cause of an Ice Age, ” Sir Robert Ball has done his best to bewilder people’s minds on this subject. His work is one of the most unconvincing ever written. For example, he says, “I have found it necessary to assume the existence of several Ice Ages.” It is all assumption, no real proof being given for even one Ice Age, and the book is utterly opposed to Scripture, Reason, and Fact.” The geologist was content with one or more Glacial Period to destroy the world of pre-historic men. Some others said more Ice Age is coming. “

“I hold that the Glacial Theory, as ordinary thaught, is based not upon induction but upon hypotheses, some of which are incapable of verification, while others can be shown to be false, and it has all the infirmity of the science of the middle ages. No theory of modern times has had a more disastrously mischievous effect on the progress of Natural Science.”

“I utterly deny the possibility of ice being moved over hundreds of miles of level countries, such as we see in Poland and Russia, and the prairies of North and South America, and distributed drift as we find it there. I further deny its capacity to mount long slopes or to traverse uneven ground.”

David Wardlaw Scott: Terra Firma

I love science. Not!