
Science claims that the Earth spins at the equator of about 1,037 mph. The orbital speed around the Sun is about 67,000 mph, and the Sun and the solar system flies at a rate of 448,000 mph.

Source: www.space.com

What is science?

“That comes from the Latin scire, which means “to know”. There is one uncomplicated way of knowing something, and that way is to observe it and note that no matter how many times something is observed, it always does the same thing. Observable and repeatable=known and known=”science”. All else is deception. Can a hypothetical something be truly scientific if it’s not known?
-Edvard Hendrie: The biggest lie

Somebody must back up the claims of science with real-life experiments. Otherwise, they are only suppositions.

How does (real)science work?

STEP ONE: make a hypothesis. For example, “if I hit this window with a hammer, it will break.”

STEP TWO: make experiments to confirm or reject my hypothesis. That means I need to hit the window with my hammer once or more to see the results in reality.

STEP THREE: conclude. Confirm or reject the hypothesis. “This window is unbreakable.”

Nikolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), a Polish astronomer, proposed a Sun-centered model where “planets” and Earth orbit around the Sun as it is the center of our “universe.” He said the Earth is a planet that, besides orbiting the Sun annually, also turns once daily on its “axis.” He revived the old pagan system of Pythagoras, as other “scientists” did, Galileo, Descartes, Kepler, and Newton. The greek heathen philosopher Pythagoras brought the Sun worship with him from Egypt, where he had resided for a time and had been initiated into its mysteries by the Priests. His system is the ground of modern Astronomy.

Space does not exist

People have worshiped wandering stars as gods for millennia. These are the sky’s stars that do not follow the order and do not belong to any constellation: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. But if we read about them in astronomical books, we are confronted with statues of pagan gods.


In Greek mythology, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, has one foot in the physical world and another in the unseen realm. His ability to travel between the worlds gives him his reputation of crossing boundaries of all kinds: physical, mental, and spiritual.


Venus has been described as “the most original creation of the Roman pantheon” and “an ill-defined and assimilative” native goddess, combined “with a strange and exotic Aphrodite.”


Mars was the god of war and an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was Jupiter and Juno’s son, and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the Roman army’s religion.


Jupiter( “sky father”), also known as Jove, is the god of the sky and thunder and king of the gods in Ancient Roman religion and mythology. Jupiter was the chief deity of Roman state religion throughout the republican and imperial eras until Christianity became the dominant religion of the Empire.


He is the god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal, and liberation


Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, the primordial Earth Mother. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Uranus was conceived by Gaia alone, but other sources cite Aether as his father. Uranus and Gaia were the parents of the first generation of Titans and most Greek gods’ ancestors.


Neptune is the god of freshwater and the sea in Roman religion. He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon. He is the brother of Jupiter and Pluto; the brothers presided over the realms of Heaven, the earthly world, and the Underworld.

sun god represents power and strength. Sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history. Copernicus wrote: In the middle of all sits the Sun on his throne. In this loveliest of temples, could we place the luminary in any more appropriate place so that he may light the whole simultaneously?

Diana is a goddess in Roman and Hellenistic religion, primarily considered a patroness of the countryside, hunters, crossroads, and the Moon. She is equated with the Greek goddess Artemis, born on the island of Delos to parents Jupiter and Latona, and a twin brother, Apollo.

Milky way

The Greek name for the Milky Way (Galaxias) is derived from the Greek word for milk (gala). One legend explains how the Milky Way was created by Heracles when he was a baby. His father, Zeus, was fond of his son, who was born of the mortal woman Alcmene. He decided to let the infant Heracles suckle on his divine wife Hera’s milk when she was asleep, an act which would endow the baby with godlike qualities. When Hera awoke and realized that she was breastfeeding an unknown infant, she pushed him away, and the spurting milk became the Milky Way.

Source: Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky

The milky way is nothing but stars, i.e., tiny lights in the sky. Stars are not distant suns. You may see the difference with your own eyes. There are no remote solar systems a thousand billion miles away, no galaxies, and Earth-like “planets” with water, land, animals, and other advanced civilizations. Sorry.

The gods of the ancient Roman and Greek pagan religions became the planets of modern astronomy today. Thus they are further worshiped and served by ignorant masses. Wandering stars were also lucky stars, meaning people expected wealth and happiness from them. The solar system is neither science nor reality, but religious science-fiction to deceive humanity. Space and galaxies do not exist.

There was no big bang

The Big Bang Theory claims that the entire universe began with a giant blast of energy 14 billion years ago. Scientists say that space, energy, and all of the building blocks of life came into existence at the moment of the Big Bang. According to the theory there was a boiling tiny ball of energy and matter. Anything that has weight and takes up space is matter, including everything around us: water, air, cement, people, plants, etc. Astronomers point out that all of the matter in the universe came to be with the Big Bang.

How could anyone with common sense believe in this theory as a correct explanation of our origin?

  • Billions of years ago, there was nothing. 
  • This nothing exploded and became everything (cement, people, air, atoms, chickens, whales, land, water, Sun, Moon, stars, milk, grass, rats, scientists, astronomers, flowers, minerals, elephants, etc.)
  • The Milky way flies with the whole solar system 1.24 million miles per hour because of the bang. 
  • That’s why the Earth spins and orbits around the sun goddess. But nobody can feel any of this motion.
  • Gravity keeps the whole circus together and holds down the oceans.

Scientists have come to these conclusions using their telescope and magic books. They have fooled everybody-almost everybody.

Gravity does not exist

“Any object which is heavier than the air has a natural tendency to fall by its own weight. Newton’s famous apple, when ripe, loses hold of its stalk, and being heavier then the air, drops as a matter of necessity to the ground, totally irrespective of any attraction of the Earth. For, if such attraction existed, why does not the Earth attracts the rising smoke?”

Source: David Wardlaw Scott – Terra Firma

According to the law(theory) of gravity, the heavier body attracts the lighter one. If I walk past a building, why don’t I stick to its side? Or if a fly gets on the back of a horse, how can it get out there? Why can’t the magical force of gravity be observed on Earth, such as smaller spherical bodies orbiting an ellipse and flying around some larger body? Because gravity does not exist. It is density. Whether an object falls depends on whether it is heavier than air. For something to sink into the water, it has to be denser, that is, heavier than water. The hot air balloon rises because the warm air lifts it, which is lighter (thinner) than the cold air around it. The interior of the ships is hollow, with air-filled chambers making it easier than the sea. If gravity existed, all ships would sink.

Meanwhile in Australia

The magical force of gravity: keeps the ocean down. But lets the birds fly.

It does not matter if they can not prove it, you can believe it!

Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was stationary. It was common sense. Then came Copernicus, who claimed the very opposite. How did he back up his hypothesis? Did he have the tools to measure the Earth’s supposed speed?

Copernicus wrote-

hypothesis doesn’t need to be true or even probable; it is sufficient that they lead to calculation results that agree with calculation…. Neither let anyone, as far as hypothesis is concerned, expect anything certain from Astronomy, since that science can afford nothing of the kind, lest in case he should adopt for truth things feigned for another purpose, he should leave the science more foolish than he came. The hypothesis of the terrestrial motion was nothing but a hypothesis, valuable only so far as it explained phenomena not considered concerning absolute truth or falsehood.”

David Wardlaw Scott: Terra Firma

Michelsen/Morley experiment

“In 1887, a physicist Albert Michelson (whom the New York Times described as America’s most excellent physicist), and a chemist, E. W. Morley, did a scientific experiment to measure the speed of Earth’s travel. They used an inerrable but straightforward concept. A light beam was split. They sent one of the split beams at a right angle to Earth’s supposed direction of travel, and they sent the other along the path of the Earth’s supposed direction of travel. The light traveling in the direction of the Earth’s travel should have taken longer than the light traveling at right angles to the Earth’s travel direction. To the amazement of the scientific world, the results were null, meaning that there was no difference in the light beams’ speed. That told that the Earth was motionless.

The scientists could not attack the Michelson/Morley experiment results because it was meticulously conducted, using precise instruments, and the greatest physicist of America performed it at that time

There are a dozen of other experiments that had the same result, meaning that the Earth is stationary:

  • E. Muscat: light polarization experiment in 1872
  • T. de Coudres mutual inductance experiment in 1889
  • Sagnac experiments proved the existence of ether
  • Airy’s experiment determined with scientific certainty that the stars are moving over the stationary Earth. Because his experiment proved the Earth was motionless, which was the opposite of the expected outcome, Airy’s experiment is known as Airy’s failure.

The scientific community rejected acceptance of stationary Earth. They would never leave the Copernican theory, which became their central “faith.”

These implications were devastating to the Copernican model of globular spinning Earth orbiting around the Sun. If the heliocentric model fell, then evolution would not be far behind. The priests of science knew they must do something.”

They could not allow the world to discover that the Earth does not move. Albert Einstein introduced his theory of relativity in 1905 to “debunk” the above real-life experiments.

Einstein did not prove his theory. He just needed to lead the results of the “calculation,” which agreed with “calculation.”

He claimed that motion is relative to the observer. Thus from Earth, it would appear that the Sun is moving. However, from the perspective of the Sun, the Earth is moving. According to Einstein, there is no way to establish which is the case. This maxim of relativity effectively kills the null result of the Michelsen/Morley experiment. According to Einstein, you can’t determine if the train moves or the railway station. That’s idiotic. This is modern “science.”

Professor Herbert Dingle was the foremost expert in the theory of relativity in the world as he wrote several books on the subject. He later realized that it was a myth, supported not by scientific experiments but by false math formulae. Dingler confirmed that Einstein used mathematics to tell lies. He was a selected puppet to play the smartest guy on Earth who reestablished the rotating Earth theory as “reality.”

Nikola Tesla was the most brilliant scientist in history. He said that physics experts have substituted mathematics for real-life experiments and build a structure that has no relation to reality.

Edward Hendrie: The greatest lie on Earth

William Carpenter, a printer originally from Greenwich, England, published Theoretical Astronomy Examined and Exposed – Proving the Earth not a Globe in eight parts from 1864 under Common Sense. He later emigrated to Baltimore, where he published A hundred proofs the Earth is not a Globe in 1885.

“It is evidence that if a projectile is fired from a rapidly moving body in the opposite direction to that in which the body is going, it will fall short of the distance at which it would reach the ground if fired in the direction of motion. Now since the Earth is said to move at the rate of nineteen miles in a second “from west to east,” it would make all the difference imaginable if the gun were fired in the opposite direction. But as in practice, there is no slightest difference, whichever way the thing may be done. We have a forcible overthrow of all fancies relative to the motion of the Earth and a striking proof that the Earth is not a globe.”

“Astronomers have done experiments with pendulums, which have been suspended from the interior of high buildings. They have rejoiced over the idea of being able to prove the rotation of the Earth on its “axis” by the varying direction taken by the pendulum over a prepared table underneath. They asserted that the table moved around under the pendulum instead of the pendulum shifting and oscillating in different directions over the table! But, since it has been found that, as often as not, the pendulum went round the wrong way for the “rotation” theory! We have a proof of the failure of astronomers in their efforts to substantiate their theory, and therefore a proof that the Earth is not a globe.”

William Carpenter: One hundred proofs #44&#73

For 200 years, science has been using the pendulum to deceive the masses that the Earth is moving

The pendulum doesn’t move unless someone starts it. Where the pendulum swings out depend on where the museum employee pushed it. It’s that simple. If a weight swings at the end of a string, it does not prove the Earth’s rotation, although that someone started it.

This photo shows a long-exposure image of the polar star that has been motionless in the sky for thousands of years and had presented a northerly direction. The constellations revolve around it. If the Earth spun, such a photograph could not be taken.