
From the bible to greek mythology, native American legends, from Josephus and Homer to modern-day historical and archeological finds, evidence of giant human beings once lived on Earth is abundant. Throughout history, hundreds of giant skeletons have been discovered and photographed, and preserved for posterity. Thanks to suppression and censorship to the Smithsonian Institute and other organizations, most people are unaware of these fantastic finds.

The town of Anab’s giants still exists today, called Khirbet Anab, 13 miles southwest of Hebron. The Execration Texts of Twelfth Dynasty Egypt (1900 BC) on display at the Berlin Museum mention the Anakim giants and Ashdod, the giants’ city. Hellenistic geographer Eumachus told of two separate 36-foot human skeletons which uncovered by Cartaghains around 300 BC.

The historian Josephus (37-95 AD), who lived in Hebron, had dug up enormous human bones. He wrote: “There were till then left a race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing.”

In the book called History and Antiquities of Allerdale, there was a report of a giant in Cumberland, England. “The giant was buried four yards deep in the ground, was four yards long and was in complete armor, sword, and ax lying by him. His teeth were six inches long and two inches broad.”

All the following explorers mention encountering human giants in their journeys: Vespucci, Drake, Coronado, De Soto, and Narvaez. The first Europeans to sail along the Patagonian Coast were Ferdinand Magellan and his crew in 1520. Antonio Pigafetta recorded the first meeting with the Tehuelches: “One day, when no one was expecting it, we saw a giant, completely naked by the sea. He was truly well built. The captain named them Patagonia. They live in huts and eat raw meat. The two giants we had on board the ship ate many biscuits and rats without skinning them. They drank a half bucket of water at once.”

In around 1542, Fray Diego Duran moved with his family to central Mexico. During his travels, he saw giants. “It cannot be denied that there have been giants in this country. I can affirm this as an eyewitness, for I have met men of monstrous stature here. I believe that many in Mexico will remember, as I do, a giant Indian who appeared at feast times. He was dressed in yellow silk and a halberd at his shoulder and a helmet on his head. And he was all three feet taller than the others.”

In 1829 the Burlington News reported on workers digging into a mound being used to furnish building material for a new hotel in Chesterville, Ohio. They dug up a giant human skeleton. In 1833 soldiers digging at Lompock Rancho, California, discovered a giant male structure 12 feet tall with double rows of teeth surrounded by massive weapons. In July 1877, four prospectors in Eureka, Nevada, found and chipped out several human leg and foot bones encased in quartzite. One of the leg bones from heel to knee was 39 inches long, twice the standard human size.

In 1879 the Indianapolis News reported that a 9-foot skeleton was excavated from a mound near Brewersville. In 1891 workers excavating near Crittenden, Arizona, discovered a massive stone sarcophagus eight feet below the surface, which contained the mummified body of a 12-foot tall giant with six digits on each limb. The Chicago Record wrote on October 24, 1895, that a Mound near Toledo was found to hold 20 skeletons, seated and facing east with jaws and teeth twice as large as those of everyday people.

The Review Minter of June 19, 1931, reported two giant skeletons found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. Both were wrapped in a gum treated fabric. A giant skull from that discovery is still on display at the Humboldt Museum in Nevada. In the late 1950s, during road construction in south-east Turkey, many tombs containing the remains of giants upwards of 16 feet tall were uncovered. Leg bones were 120 cm or 47 inches long.

In 2004 an anonymous ARAMCO Saudi Oil industry technician found and uncovered a 15 foot tall complete giant human skeleton while prospecting. Police quickly came and seized all cameras, and the military took control of the site, and nothing was ever publicly released about it since. The technician managed to keep and circulate one photo of the giant.

“I ran into at least five or six reports regarding the Smithsonian Institute receiving extraordinary artifacts from dutiful citizens only to realize later that Smithsonian had made it all disappear.” – Matt TwoFour: Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Ivan T. Sanderson, a famous zoologist, told a story of an army engineer stationed at the Aleutian Islands of Shemyaduring WWII who sent him a fascinating letter. The man claimed to have uncovered a giant graveyard when building an airstrip bulldozing through sedimentary rock. He found skulls measured 24 inches from base to crown, nearly three times the typical adult human skull’s size. He entrusted them to the Smithsonian Institute, where they disappeared. He wrote to Sanderson, “Is that these people cannot face rewriting all the textbooks?”

Smithsonian destructed Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in the Early 1900s

A US Supreme Court has forced the Smithsonian Institute to release classified papers dating from the early 1900s. Documents prove the organization was involved in a significant historical cover-up. Giant human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high-level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

Whistleblowers admitted the destruction of skeletons between 6 feet and 12 feet in height.

A giant human femur was uncovered in Ohio in 2011 by the American Association for Alternative Archeology, by James Churward.

“There were Nephiliym in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of ELOHIYM came in unto to daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became warriors and tyrants were of ancient times, men of infamy.”

Genesis 6:4 Eth Cepher

Sources: the books of Eric Dubay,


Were there giants in modern times?

Rare Japanese footage of a giant

I don’t know if this recording is real or not, but it’s definitely worth a look!