
Leonardo Fibonacci was the first mathematician eight centuries ago who described the Golden Ratio as a series of numbers by observing the number of petals of different flowers. Fibonacci numbers are a never-ending sequence starting with 0 and 1, and continuing by adding the previous two numbers.


The Golden Ratio is a series of numbers

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181

And if you divide the two adjacent numbers in the same number sequence, you still get the Golden Number, φ, which is 1,618.

  • 144/89=1,617977528
  • 89/55=1,618181818
  • 55/34=1,617647059
  • 34/21=1,619047619
  • 21/13=1,615384615
  • 13/8=1.625
  • 8/5=1.6
  • 5/3=1,666666667

The Golden Ratio is a rectangle.

The “golden ratio” is a unique mathematical relationship. Two numbers are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the numbers (a+b) divided by the larger number (a) is equal to the ratio of the larger number divided by, the smaller number (a/b). The golden ratio is about 1.618 and is represented by the Greek letter phi, φ.

The Golden Ratio is an angle

As with petals, the number of seeds in the sunflower’s spirals is, for example—is found in a Fibonacci series

The Golden Ratio is a spiral

As we look at nature’s details, one thing stands out: this is the order, the patterns, the symmetry that surrounds us. You can see it in a flower or a seashell. What we are witnessing is intelligent design, which can be described as God’s fingerprints upon nature. Many plants, including elm trees, grow their leaves, twigs and branches placed exactly in the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13, and so on. 

137.5° is repeated. The leaves grow in pairs.


The pineapple fruitless create spiral based on the sequence. The pinecone does the same. Buds on trees, sand dollars, starfish petals on flowers are formed with this exact blueprint. 

One set of 5 parallel spirals ascends at a shallow angle to the right.

A second set of 8 parallel spirals ascends more steeply to the left.

And a third set of 13 parallel spirals ascends very steeply to the right.

This sequence is the trademark of a Designer, a proof of a Creator, also known as the Golden Number. The divine proportion is a mathematical formulation exhibited in all living things.

Video credit: Etéra Studios, Christóbal Vila

The Golden Ratio and the human body

The human body: the distance from the floor to your navel and the distance from your navel to your head should be in the ratio of 1.618. That proportion is seen all over the human body.

The DNA molecule, the code for life, is made up of two intertwining spirals. We find the .618 ratio between the helix’s width and cycle length.

Then we find the Golden Ratio in heart muscles, in the lungs, in the nerve cells, in the brain‘s microtubules’ arrangement.

The science of intelligent design

“There is no doubt at all anymore that the science of intelligent design absolutely crushes any competition, destroys any other theory about the nature that we live in. It’s over; there is simply no contest. The preeminent theory, model, science of reality from this point forward, I declare, is the science of intelligent design and the absolute proof. I mean, final (I’m using a strong word here) proof will be given to you today, in just a minute here. I just can’t even believe it, to be honest. Discoveries, like what I’m about to discuss with you, just never cease to amaze me for many reasons that it’s all covered. Nobody knows it’s covered up. And, well, since I was taught, growing up, that the world was just a random universe, to find out such hardcore, distinct verification that’s a lie just never ceases to amaze me. So here’s the information:

Journal Nature, number 454, pages 362-363 March 18, 2010. By Ian Affleck, Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia. He spotted the Golden Ratio in a magnetic compound.

Golden Ratio discovered in Quantum World: Hidden Symmetry Observed for the First Time in Solid-State Matter.”

Science Daily articleJanuary 7, 2010.

The researchers observed that the chain of atoms acts like nanoscale guitar strings. Researchers from Berlin, in cooperation with colleagues from Oxford and Bristol Universities, have for the first time observed a nanoscale symmetry hidden in solid-state matter.

Remember, quantum physics is studying the base level energies of nature, the smallest building blocks that make up everything, little pieces of energy, like the electron. So specifically, what they found in this study was that chains of atoms wind up together from what’s sort of like a string, and it resonates a frequency or pitch. What do you know? The pitch is in a ratio of 1.618.

“Here, the tension comes from the interaction between spins, causing them to resonate magnetically. We found a series (scale) of resonant notes for these interactions: the first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies are in the ratio of 1.618.

Dr. Radu Coldea

There is no defense that a random universe theorist in academia can give to counter this. There is no reason that the quantum base of reality should be exhibiting the specific number of the golden ratio if we live in a random universe.

All the competing theories, evolution, all the junk from academia no longer competes in any way with intelligent design science. When you hear a scientist on the Discovery Channel say, there is no evidence for intelligent design, it’s all a silly little parlor game, and there is all this evidence for evolution.

You can know two things:

One: they don’t know the empirical data. They have no idea. Academics typically only talk in their closed little worlds and only accept information from their closed little worlds.

Two: they are absolutely propagandizing the world with all of their theses about the nature that we live in, where we come from, our origins, so forth.

And we realize that everything we have been taught before this point by the professionals was a lie, and we can prove it up and down, all over the place.

“This is pretty powerful stuff: there is not an anthropologist on Earth who could explain this one: how the sunflower grows a bunch of spirals in it, and how those spirals lead precisely to the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci series numbers? Unbelievable! This is it; there is no question. We have all been lied to, in elementary schools, high schools, TV just by NOT discussing any of this information. There are so many powerful examples! And all this has been hidden from us! When we were in school, learning about what? Plate tectonics theories? I mean, it’s a pretty sad case. And when it’s so obviously everywhere in nature!”

It has to be a conspiracy. The world does not want you to know this stuff. Because you might realize that this reality you live in is charged with the Architect’s fingerprint, and it’s in you. You are a piece of that fingerprint. And you may realize that your consciousness (soul) is also, and is no joke if I say that God has created you in His own image.

The previous chapter is an excerpt from a radio broadcast. You can listen to it here.

Golden Radio

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”

Psalm 14:1