Did you know what is the leading cause of death in the western world?
You might think it must be cancer or a heart attack! Let me tell you that the side effects of drugs and medical treatments kill the most people.
Chronic diseases are quite common; the chance to get cancer is about 30%. A lot of us are affected, either you or someone in your family. It would be best to learn about the possible dangers of chemotherapy ad other invasive treatments they offer to you in the future.
When I first read about the terrible and sometimes deadly side effects of medicine and hospital practices, I was shocked. That was hard to believe that medication can be worse than a disease.
I trusted doctors 100% in my life. They helped me many times with a broken arm, leg, and other pains that needed care. I trusted them, they treated me, and I became well. I do not doubt they are here to help us.
I do not blame the physicians. I write about the drugs and the pharmaceutic companies and the law which prohibits alternative treatments for cancer. The standard cancer strategies are chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. These three therapies are the most profitable to the drug companies. Doctors will lose their license if they recommend vitamins or another natural remedy. They can go to jail if they do not “sell” the product of the big pharma.
Take a look at the pharma death clock! That is a counter showing the deaths caused by drug companies.
What is chemotherapy?
- Chemotherapy is a 100-year-old poison that started life out as World War One mustard gas.
- In the Auschwitz concentration camp, they experimented on inmates and started using it as a medicine.
- Today 1.5 million people a year are murdered by chemotherapy for profit.
Every doctor who prescribes it breaks his Hippocratic oath to “administer no poison.” It is a 200 billion dollar industry mostly based in the USA. The chemo lobby is possibly the most powerful in the world. They’ve changed the laws in most western countries so that only their product, the poison of chemotherapy, is allowed to be prescribed by doctors. And right, life-saving cancer treatments are concealed from patients who are pressured into chemo, usually with dreadful results.
The side effects of chemo can be horrific: your organs may pack up, you may lose sight, you get “chemo brain,” you may become unable to walk; losing all your hair is irrelevant by comparison.
Many of these side effects can be permanent.
Many chemo drugs are “a known carcinogen.” The poison is so potent that nurses who administer it must wear gloves.

John Cairns of Harvard University published in Scientific American that chemo drugs help, at most, one in 20 people.
Chemo makes cancer cells immortal “When chemotherapy (is given) to kill the bulk of your cancer cells, a small remnant of these stem cells regenerate and renew cancer, too.” Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD.
According to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA, in their WNT16B paper, cancer cells become resistant to chemo, “chemotherapy resistance,” which makes the disease worse.
Yes, chemo may shrink a tumor, but it makes cancer come back stronger. In particular, it usually creates the secondaries that kill you two years later.
In the Western World, chemotherapy deaths are recorded as cancer deaths, not drug deaths.
Nearly all of these cancers can be cured by inexpensive scientific breakthroughs that are successfully suppressed in the media.
There are a dozen cancer treatments better than chemotherapy, all without side effects, all denied to us.
There are many natural methods of reducing and curing cancer, concealed from you by the pharma industry.
- The Paleo/MMT (Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy) diet. Cancer feeds off sugar only. Carbohydrates become sugar in the body. If you avoid sugar and carbs, eat meat, fish, and veg, you’ll often stop stage 3 cancer and usually cure stage 2 cancer.
- Take vitamin D (at least 10,000iu a day).
- Exercise. Training elevates the oxygen level in the body, which kills cancer cells.
- Bicarbonate of soda mixed 1:1 with molasses, which act as a trojan horse to get the bicarb into cancer cells. Keep your body alkaline.
- Large doses of Vitamin C infusions (IV) – published by the Riordan Clinic. Or liposomal vitamin C.
- Bitter almonds. Now banned by the pharma/US government madfia as too useful. But also in Apricot seeds and apple pips – it’s vitamin B 17 or laetrile.
- Essaic. That is a selection of herbs, including sheep sorrel, which animals eat to cure their cancer. Rene Cassise’s hospital in Toronto used it with tremendous success. Her hospital was closed by the chemo industry as a competitor. Essaic is available on the internet.
- Curcumin – but it has to be taken IV, and it can be bought in the proper form. Liposomal is also available.
- DCA dichloroacetate – a research paper by the University of Alberta, in Edmonton. If you overdose, you get neuropathy temporarily. Reduce the dose.
- Pureed asparagus and Broccoli spears. Avocado. Red peaches cause apoptosis of cancer cells. Weak, but works for perhaps 10% of people.
- Hyperthermia – tumors cannot stand temperatures above 40 degrees C.
- Reservatrol in tiny doses. Larger doses inhibit CYP1BI. Better: Salvesterols: phytonutrients activated by cancer’s CYP1B1
- Naturopathic doctors start treatment by recommending the extraction of root canals.
- The right trace metals for cancer: Dr. Thomas Tallberg MD
Some of the above have weak, reversible side effects.
The US and UK governments killed 1.5 million in Iraq based on lies about weapons of mass destruction they knew did not exist. The medical/pharmaceutical world kills more than that every year and is even more corrupt than the political/governmental world.
In 2004 the Journal of Clinical Oncology did a massive study on chemo results. They found that chemo was beneficial in just 2.3% of cases, i.e., chemo was destructive in 97.7% of cases.
“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.”
Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer.
Special thanks to chemokills.info and chemo.st (websites do not exist anymore)

Side effects of narcotic painkillers
- Birth defects
- Liver damage
- Addiction
- Death
- Some cases no more effective than taking a placebo
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia (pain worsens and becomes unmanageable)
- Dizziness
- Dry Mouth
- Itching and Other Allergies
- Headaches
- Cardiac problems
- Kidney damage
- Respiratory Depression
Natural painkillers
The little known fact is there are many natural painkillers available with no or little side effects. My favorite non-toxic pain relief is kratom (Mitragyna speciose), the pulverized leaves of a tropical tree indigenous to Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It is a member of the coffee family and can grow up to 42 feet tall. A study suggested that the tree has powerful painkilling properties. As it has opiate-like potential, kratom could prove useful as a means of helping patients with opiate withdrawal symptoms. This is because it activates the same brain receptors, providing similar effects but potentially has a significantly lower addiction risk.

Benefits of CBD OIL
- Pain relief, can relieve stress
- Reduce depression, acne
- Neuroprotective properties
- Could benefit heart health
- Reduce morphin dependence
- Can fight tumors and cancer cells
- Diabetes prevention
- Can counteract inflammatory diseases
- Can alleviate epileptic seizures
- May reduce vomiting and nausea
- The side effects are minor: diarrhea, changes in appetite, fatigue
- www.Mercola.com/painkillers
- www.addictionresource.com/opioids
- www.wayofleaf.com/kratom
- www.healthline.com/CBD