I saw two rocket launches at Cape Canaveral, Florida. On September 9, 2006, the Atlantis, and on December 9, the Discovery. I have also visited the Kennedy Space Center, and I was amazed at what I saw there. I liked the vast retired spaceships, moonstones, and relics from space. It never crossed my mind that the whole thing was just fiction. A decade later, I heard first from a former colleague that his uncle believed the Earth was flat. I laughed, but because I was curious and open-minded, I promised him to look it up. Later on, I watched a short video about the Sun and Moon, claiming they are the same size(Eric Dubay). I wanted to understand the “nuts” why they think the Earth is flat. That short video confused my “ball” worldview, so I started to study flat Earth theories. I watched a lot of documentaries, bought books, and was reflecting a lot. I had reviewed all the debunk theories as well. That was not easy to sort out; what the truth was. It took me around six months and a couple of hundred hours of research to find and understand the truth, which I am here to share with you. Finally, I understood the Earth’s shape and realized that there must be a Creator who sits up there and looks down on us.
It helps if you would review the previous courses to understand what it is about.
- When the Earth stood still #18
- The Great Deep #19
- The Worlds Edge: Antarctica #20
- The law of perspective #21
- Light comes out of the Darkness #22
A year later, I started to read the Bible. It took me five years, but today I can say that I have read and listened to 87 books of Scripture several times. I confirm that the Bible must be divinely inspired. Without the fundamental laws within it, human civilization would not have been possible.
Nasa has had a leading role in deceiving humanity by disproving the Bible’s truth, i.e., showing that “up there” is not Heaven but space, emptiness. Together with astronomy and Science, they contradict all the teachings of the Scriptures. (Age and shape of the Earth, what are the heavenly bodies, etc.) That’s why most people do not trust the Bible.
Let’s take a look at how trustworthy Nasa is!
I don’t know if you remember the tragedy of the Challenger? “The NASA space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986, just 73 seconds after liftoff, bringing a devastating end to the spacecraft’s 10th mission. The disaster claimed the lives of all seven astronauts aboard, including Christa McAuliffe, a teacher from New Hampshire who would have been the first civilian in space.” www.history.com/challenger

Those rockets were flying without anybody on board.

Unfortunately, there were many other real victims of the space program: the pilots who were opened to the press and wanted to expose the Lies of Nasa. Gus Grissom, Chaffe, and White were burned to death. Grissom received death threats before the “accident,” which killed three men in a capsule during a test on the ground in 1967.
Thomas Baron, an inspection official, wrote a 500-page report that documented mismanagement and incompetence at Nasa’s Pad 34. He testified before Congress regarding the pilots’ deaths and gave a critical testimony about improper actions at Nasa. His report disappeared. Baron, his wife, and stepdaughter were killed when his car allegedly stalled at the railroad crossing and was struck by a train. All three bodies were quickly cremated, thus ensuring that nobody would discover any foul play. Between the years 1964 and 1967, ten astronauts died in freak accidents. These deaths offered stark object lessons for the moon landing astronauts to keep the hoax a secret. Source: Edward Hendrie -The Greatest Lie
Which way is upwards?
If you observe the path of “space ships,” you may realize that they do not fly upwards. When I watched the Atlantis and Discovery, after a while, the spaceship took his course lower, and when I lost it from sight, It seemed to me that was flying downwards. Like a standard commercial plane when it disappears on the horizon.

Satellites are ground-based
Would you like to work as a satellite engineer? Once I read about a job opportunity at Esrange, a Swedish space corporation. They were hiring one who would work on the ground stations (satellites).

Satellites, these shiny winged boxes orbiting the Earth with antennas, do not exist. Sorry. They started their careers as science fiction heroes in the first half of the twentieth century, long before the space age. Then, fantasy became science.

Did the same person that filmed Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon

Film them leaving?

Why can we see scuba divers reflected in the visor of Astro-not?

Maybe because they mimic space in a giant swimming pool in Houston?

Virtual reality is still not reality
Nasa and Hollywood are the same company. They can manipulate live broadcasting with virtual reality technology. The Green Screen technique is older but still very effective in deceiving the masses. By analyzing Nasa movies, all this falsification is noticeable.

The Game of Conspiracy
Steve Jackson’s “Illuminati” made its way onto the market in 1982 as a role playing game. Players mask the role of a secret society and draw cards as they plot to take over the world. It seems the overlords play this game in reality.
Moonlanding 1969

9/11 2001

and in 2020

It is good to have common sense and critical thinking. I no longer believe anything I see on TV, and I don’t care much about the news or newspapers because I couldn’t figure out whether they lie or tell the Truth. The only Truth on Earth is Scripture. Everybody has an opinion on the Bible, but only a few have read it. How could one judge a book without reading it? I am not representing any religion or church, and I do not intend to start one. There are around 4200 religions in the world, but not one based on the Scriptures. All the 87 books are important messages to humanity from our Creator. You may either choose the Truth or follow the world’s Deceptions. We will examine Creation’s proofs in the coming courses and continue our search for the grand finale. Are you ready?