
The title of this topic may scare you more than a real bomb. But don’t run away; let me show you the evidence against nuclear weapons. I also learned about Nagasaki and Hiroshima; my parents grew up in the Cold War era. They knew about the real threat that the Soviet Union’s president may push down a big red button, deploying hundreds of nuclear bombs at once, slaughtering the whole world. Or, the USA’s president will do that. That could happen any day in the fifties, sixties, and seventies. But was the threat real?

Keeping people in fear is the best tool to control, lead, and manipulate.

What happened to the radiation that’s supposed to last thousands of years?

Hiroshima 1945

hiroshima today

Today we have the internet and the technology to analyze the photographic evidence if nuclear weapons ever existed. In the following 10 minute video, you may witness how ridiculous was the fakery of nuclear explosions. You may see that Hiroshima was firebombed, like Tokyo. The devastation looked similar in both cities. Farmhouse blows away, but who is holding the camera? What kind of camera can survive that kind of blast a building can’t?

Ok, I get it. One million-degree heat burns the bus instantly. Why didn’t the bus wheels melt? How did the cameraman survive?

No fear!

There are no weapons of mass destruction. The overlords of the world want you to live in constant fear. They want you to obey. Today’s technology is so advanced; it can produce anything to look real on TV. Please turn it off! The truth is, no man could destroy the Earth. Don’t worry about atomic bombs.