I asked Copilot about the Panama Canal but I hated its answers!
I asked if the fact that the locks of the Panama Canal work over a 26-meter difference in height for 82 km between the Atlantic and Pacific is enough to prove that the Earth is flat.

Of course, he answered that there were satellite images that proved the Earth was a sphere and he stressed the engineering feat that went into building the canal.
I also asked him about the spherical earth falling 527 meters at 82 kilometers, how come the locks raise/lower the ships by only 26 meters to navigate across Lake Gatun?
As for the sphere being 527 meters lower than the water level, he found that information was right, but disagreed that it was evidence of flat Earth.

Finally, I asked if it had ever been to Panama himself, or even on a real boat. Of course, he hadn’t, how could he have been? AI may have information, but it will never have sense or wisdom! There is no point in chatting with an AI!
That is why I don’t give a shit about AI, but many people look to it for answers to life’s big questions. That is a mistake.
What do you expect from an AI? He hasn’t been on a boat, he hasn’t seen the sea or anything, he has no eyes, brain, or experiences! An AI is a dumb software that reads the text from LLM, i.e. large language models, for the answers it “generates”. But it doesn’t generate anything, because it just steals all the information from the internet, which we, humans, have written.

If I tell a living person that
I spent years on boats and have twice crossed the Panama Canal, plus read a book about it, I might get some respect.
I have also learned about water and sewage pipes, and storm drains. One thing is certain, and it’s a hard truth: water always flows downhill. It only needs a little slope, 1cm per meter (i.e.1%) is enough. When building, this gradient is measured with a laser or a spirit level.
The height of the water observed at the lakes Gatun and Miraflores, 82 kilometers long way, does not drop a meter. These lakes between the locks are in level and situated 26 meters higher than the oceans. These are pretty simple facts, but the premium AI can not understand them!

The Panama Canal is 82 km long, with locks at the entrance that raise the boats 26 meters, and once they have crossed to the other side, locks again lower them 26 meters to get them back to sea level, or zero.
According to the spherical earth theory, the land surface would drop 527 meters. That would cause all the water in the lakes to spill immediately because water always flows downwards when it is not in a reservoir.
If you learn about water you will also find the Truth.

How would you explain that to an AI robot? I’ve been to Panama and, I know the lakes, the oceans, and the Earth are flat. An AI can’t understand anything because it has no brain or wisdom, it is just a search engine on steroids that people admire like a deity who has all the answers!
Please, stop asking AI and start using your brain: you may discover amazing wonders of LIFE by yourself.
Good luck!
16/3 2025