
The world is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes through six giant media corporations that manage 90% of the news you see on TV. A small group of entities — mostly financial institutions and especially central banks — exert a massive influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. There is a “super-entity” of mega-corporations that control 40 percent of Earth’s entire economy. Most are financial institutions.

The top 21:

  • Barclays plc
  • Capital Group Companies Inc
  • FMR Corporation
  • AXA
  • State Street Corporation
  • JP Morgan Chase & Co
  • Legal & General Group plc
  • Vanguard Group Inc
  • UBS AG
  • Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
  • Wellington Management Co LLP
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • Franklin Resources Inc
  • Credit Suisse Group
  • Walton Enterprises LLC
  • Bank of New York Mellon Corp
  • Natixis
  • Goldman Sachs Group Inc
  • T Rowe Price Group Inc
  • Legg Mason Inc
  • Morgan Stanley


“Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

But the elite also dominates the unelected organizations that manage every nation’s finances on the face of the Earth. The World Bank, the IMF, and central banks control the creation and flow of money worldwide. At the apex of this system is the Bank for International Settlements.

It is the central bank of central banks.

It is located in Basel, Switzerland, but it also has branches in Hong Kong and Mexico City. It is a private bank with complete immunity from taxation and national laws. Today, 58 global central banks belong to the BIS. It has far more power than the U.S. economy (or any other economy for that matter). Every two months, the world’s bankers gather in Basel for a meeting where they make decisions secretly that affect everybody on the Earth.

They dominate each country’s political system

These banks enslave the nations and people into debt. As the national debt grows, taxes get higher, so they can transfer the wealth out of our hands into theirs.

“The FED is an independent agency, which means there is no other Government agency that can overrule actions that we take…. what relationships are frankly don’t really matter.”

Alan Greenspan

The list of Rotschild controlled central banks

Bank of Afghanistan, Bank of Albania, Bank of Algeria, Central Bank of Argentina, Central Bank of Armenia, Central Bank of Aruba, Reserve Bank of Australia, Austrian National Bank, Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic, Central Bank of The Bahamas, Central Bank of Bahrain, Bangladesh Bank, Central Bank of Barbados, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, National Bank of Belgium, Central Bank of Belize, Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), Bermuda Monetary Authority, Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan, Central Bank of Bolivia, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bank of Botswana, Central Bank of Brazil, Bulgarian National Bank, Bank of the Republic of Burundi, National Bank of Cambodia, Bank of Central African States, Banque du Canada, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Central Bank of Chile, The People’s Bank of China, Bank of the Republic Colombia, Central Bank of Comoros, Central Bank of Costa Rica, Croatian National Bank, Central Bank of Cuba, Central Bank of Cyprus, Czech National Bank, National Bank of Denmark, Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Central Bank of Ecuador, Central Bank of Egypt, Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador, Bank of Estonia, National Bank of Ethiopia, European Central Bank, Reserve Bank of Fiji, Bank of Finland, Bank of France, Central Bank of The Gambia, National Bank of Georgia, Deutsche Bundesbank, Bank of Ghana, Bank of Greece, Bank of Guatemala, Bank of Guyana, Central Bank of Haiti, Central Bank of Honduras, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Central Bank of Iceland, Reserve Bank of India, Bank Indonesia, The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Central Bank of Iraq, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland, Bank of Israel, Bank of Italy, Bank of Jamaica, Bank of Japan, Central Bank of Jordan, National Bank of Kazakhstan, Central Bank of Kenya, Bank of Korea, Central Bank of Kuwait, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bank of Latvia, Central Bank of Lebanon, Central Bank of Lesotho, Central Bank of Libya , Central Bank of Uruguay, Bank of Lithuania, Central Bank of Luxembourg, Monetary Authority of Macao, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Central Bank of Madagascar, Reserve Bank of Malawi, Central Bank of Malaysia, Central Bank of Malta, Bank of Mauritius, Bank of Mexico, National Bank of Moldova, Bank of Mongolia, Central Bank of Montenegro, Bank of Morocco, Bank of Mozambique, Bank of Namibia, Central Bank of Nepal, Netherlands Bank, Bank of the Netherlands Antilles, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Central Bank of Nicaragua, Central Bank of Nigeria, Central Bank of Norway, Central Bank of Oman, State Bank of Pakistan, Bank of Papua New Guinea, Central Bank of Paraguay, Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, National Bank of Poland, Bank of Portugal, Qatar Central Bank, National Bank of Romania, Central Bank of Russia, National Bank of Rwanda, Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino, Central Bank of Samoa, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, National Bank of Serbia, Central Bank of Seychelles, Bank of Sierra Leone, Monetary Authority of Singapore, National Bank of Slovakia, Bank of Slovenia, Central Bank of Solomon Islands, South African Reserve Bank, Bank of Spain, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Bank of Sudan, Central Bank of Suriname, The Central Bank of Swaziland, Sveriges Riksbank, Swiss National Bank, National Bank of Tajikistan, Bank of Tanzania, Bank of Thailand, National Reserve Bank of Tonga, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, Central Bank of Tunisia, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Bank of Uganda, National Bank of Ukraine, Central Bank of United Arab Emirates, Bank of England, Reserve Bank of Vanuatu, Central Bank of Venezuela, The State Bank of Vietnam, Central Bank of Yemen, Bank of Zambia and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.


The most potent banker dynasties on Earth:

Rothchild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Russel, Bundy, Onassis, Kennedy, Collins, Freeman, Astor, Li, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Oppenheim, Grey, Sinclair, Schiff, Solvay, Guggenheim, Sassoon, Wheeler, Duke, Whitney, Todd, Van Duyne, Taft, Wallenberg, Clinton, Habsburg, Goldschmidt, Oppenheimer.

Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions. In his book (The Secrets of the Federal Reserve), he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller, and the others.

The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”. Yet the facts remain.

They print money from air, lend it to nations for interest. (Nations had the right to create their own money before, but not anymore) The national debt is rising in every country, withdrawn from taxpayers’ money. As higher the debt, as more tax income goes back to the elite. The interest makes it impossible to get rid of the debt. This system is the real reason for poverty.

The most profitable business

These banks have financed both sides of the warring parties countless times throughout history. For example, in the Vietnam War, the same bank supported the Americans and, indirectly, the Vietnamese with arms and money. The goal is to provide as many loans as possible to governments at the highest available interest rates. Warfare is the best time to do that.

Why would they care about lives? Guenter Lewy in 1978 estimated 1,353,000 total deaths in North and South Vietnam during the period 1965–1974. That was genocide by banks.

The French Revolution of 1789 was financed from abroad by a private banker(Rothschild). The uprising was not started by the French people but by foreign mobs. Hordes killed Luis XVI and his family, and about 300.000 people were killed. The motto “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” first appeared during the French Revolution, originating from Illuminati ideology. “Equality” is the foundation of communism. The right to private property is an inborn human quality that the eighth commandment has given to humanity: “You shall not steal.” The motto “take from the rich and give to the poor” is also a false deception. Robespierre, one of the leaders, believed that France could not support 25 million people “equally” and therefore planned a genocide. Since the majority could not benefit from sacrificing the minority, he wanted to offer the majority to create the eternal well-being of the minority. This approach reminds me of the leading politicians today and the invisible billionaires who run the world from the background.

In 1918, foreign capital funded the revolutionaries who brutally exterminated the Russian royal Romanov family. Wall Street supported Trotsky and his friends to start the revolution. History repeats itself. I could list countless examples of these gentlemen being the cruelest villains on Earth. Not even caring about children’s lives, they wade towards achieving their goals. What’s their next draw?

They removed kings, overthrew governments, and payed off politicians worldwide. With about 190 countries on Earth, this is not a big hurdle. Everyone has a price. Thus, the countries’ governments are corrupt and serve the world’s overlords instead of their people. Corrupt leaders remind me of Jay Z raps’ rhyme:

“I sold my soul to the devil, but I’ve got some toys and a happy meal.”