Skulls of the Red Sea

Eggs, chickens and rabbits are out in droves, people are eating, drinking and celebrating Easter this weekend in most of the civilized world. Tradition, religion and mythology, paganism and Christianity are all mixed together in this celebration.

Hardly anyone questions what and why we celebrate, blindly following social customs. Heathens love lots of food and liquor, Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. That’s fine, but where does the Passover holiday come from?

The Bible has already been disproved by science: “There was no creation and no God, because the Big Bang created everything without God, including us monkeys, and the wonderful laws of nature govern how we live.”

Who believes this story? Is there any evidence?

We read about Moses parting the sea as the people fled from the Egyptian army in the book of Exodus. The people crossed over dry land, the soldiers went after them, but the sea closed in on them and they all perished.

Who believes this story?

Is there any evidence?

If I told you this is literally true, would you think I am mad?

Passover has nothing to do with egg-laying rabbits, but with 5000 skulls and Egyptian tank remains found at Red Sea bottom…

Find out the truth!

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Take care!


03/29 2024