I am sorry, but if you have taken the covid shots, you are probably screwed.
Then, unwillingly, you took part in Bill’s infamous depopulation plan.

You may read more about the lies of global warming here: Truther Course #8 or check out my investigations about vaccines in general: Truther Course #4
Independent moviemaker Stew Peter revealed astonishing death facts in the documentary “Died Suddenly”:
How the death rate had increased right after the people started to line up for the covid shots!

How the miscarriage rate had grown!

The shocking testimonies of funeral employees about blood clots they have never seen before!
How we are witnessing the grandest genocide in the history of humanity!


(Not suitable for children)
Watch this documentary
or stay tuned with some Hollywood lemonade series
of Disney/Amazon/Netflix/Discovery/HBO/AppleTv+/ CMore streaming services;
I don’t care.
The Truth is not for everyone.
December 17, 2022