
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am YAHUAH.”

Leviticus 19:28

One of the businesses booming as a consequence of the tattoo-craze is the dermatology industry. According to the American Society of Dermatological Surgery, over 50% of everyone receiving a tattoo wants it removed.

Depending on the size of the tattoo and the colors used, laser tattoo removal surgery can be very painful and expensive. It normally takes between 10 and 15 laser surgery sessions to remove the average tattoo, but 25-30 sessions are not uncommon. When you consider the average single session costs between $400 – $800, the removal surgery can cost as much as $20,000

If people only realized how difficult it is to remove a tattoo, understood how costly and how painful tattoo removal is, and recognized that society as a whole still views tattoos as a stigma, maybe they would think seriously before getting one. Even with this treatment, the tattoo is still visible.”

Tolbert S. Wilkinson, Plastic Surgeon

Tattoo removal “result” after 4 treatments

“Yet an ever-rising number of people are so unhappy with their tattoos that they are willing to pay anything to have them removed.”

(Laura Reybold, Everything you need to know about the dangers of tattooing and body piercing, p. 30)

Some article claims that as many as 80 percent of people with tattoos regret their tattoo

Source: Terry Watkins  www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos

Tattoo: the mark of blood

 One of the oldest satanic practices is cutting of the flesh or blood-letting. The term “blood-letting” originates from the word “let” – “to allow to pass, go or come”; hence “blood-letting” literally means to allow the blood to come, or pass.

Blood-letting are rituals performed to unleash demonic powers. Because the “life of the flesh is in the blood” [Leviticus 17:11], the blood is highly valued in the occult as the “power source”. And by releasing the blood – supernatural power is unleashed.

Some modern tattoo artists perform rituals during their tattoo procedures to unleash supernatural power. Some even lick the flowing blood bubbling from the tattoo.

“Blood: Called the “river of life”, blood is identified with the soul and is the vehicle that carries the vital energy of the universe through the body. In magic, blood is revered and feared for the miraculous power it possesses and confers. Blood that is let is believed to unleash the power.

(Guiley, Rosemary Ellen, The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, second edition, p. 26)

Blood-letting and demon possession

The morbid practice of blood-letting has a long and dark history in the demonic pages of satanism, demonism, and the occult.

Under the definition of “Satanism”, the highly-acclaimed, Encyclopedia of American Religionslists among the activities performed by Satanists are “blood letting”:

“In this branch of Satanism,. . . one can expect to find those individuals engaged in grave robbery, sexual assaults, and the ritual bloodletting. . .”

(Melton, Gordon, Encyclopedia of American Religions, 3rd Edition, Gale Research Ltd., 1989, p. 145)

Tattoo: a trail of blood-letting

There’s no question that tattoos originated from the satanic ritual of blood-letting as described in 1 Kings 18:28.

“The reasons why puncturing the skin should be regarded with some degree of awe are not far to seek, for, in the first place, there is the drawing of bloodwhich to the savage world over is full of significance as a rejuvenating and immortalizing factor. There is, in addition, the opening of numerous inlets for evil to enter.”

([Hambly Wilfrid D. 1925. The History of Tattooing and its Significance, p. 233] (Gilbert, Steve, Tattoo History: A Source Book, p. 162)

Rolling Stone magazine (March 28, 2002, p. 40) gives a first-hand description of the blood-letting tattoo procedure:

“Evan Seinfeld, the bassist for Biohazard, sits in the chair, offers his hand, and waits for the bleeding to begin. . . The instrument whirs to life, humming across Seinfeld’s hand, creating a vibrating pool of blood and ink.”

Rolling Stone

“And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.”

 1 Kings 18:28

“And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.”

 Mark 5:6

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

 2 Corinthians 2:11

 Source: Terry Watkins www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos

Tattoo: the cup of devils

Throughout history, the tattoo bears the mark of paganism, demonism, shamanism, mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism, and just about every other pagan belief known. The tattoo has NEVER been associated with Bible Believing Christians. And whenever and wherever, in history, Christianity appears – tattoos disappear.

“Tattooing is often a magical rite in the more traditional cultures, and the tattooist is respected as a priest or shaman.”

 (Michelle Delio, Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration, p. 73)

“In Fiji, Formosa, New Zealand and in certain of the North American Indian tribes, tattooing was regard as a religious ceremony, and performed by priests or priestesses.”

(Ronald Scutt, Art, Sex and Symbol, 1974, p. 64)

“The actual tattooing process, which involved complex ritual and taboos, could only be done by priests and was associated with beliefs which were secrets known only to members of the priestly caste. . . Hambly concluded that historically tattooing had originated in connection with ancient rites of scarification and bloodletting which were associated with religious practices intended to put the human soul in harmony with supernatural forces and ensure continuity between this life and the next.”

(Gilbert, Steve, Tattoo History: A Source Book, p. 158)

The tattooist, shaman, or occult priest many times uses the tattoo as a point of contact or inlets into the spiritual world. The tattoo is much more than just a body decoration. It’s more than just a layer of ink cut into the skin. In fact, the tattoo in every culture, in every country, up until the 20th century, was a vehicle for pagan spiritual and religious invocations. Even today, in many countries the tattoo is believed to be a bridge into the supernatural world.

“According to Amy Krakow in her chronicle The Total Tattoo Book, “tattooing has had well-defined roles: marking a rite of passage at a stage of life, calling the spirits, proudly, defiantly or sneaky showing who you are via body art.”

Tattooing is about personalizing the body, making it a true home and fit temple for the spirit that dwells inside it . . . tattooing, therefore, is a way of keeping the spiritual and material needs of my body in balance.”

 (Michelle Delio, Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration, p. 8)

Rolling Stone magazine describes famous tattoo artist Paul Booth during his tattoo as, “. . . allowing his clients’ demons to help guide the needle.” (Rolling Stone magazine, March 28, 2002, p. 40)

Tattoo: the mark of death

Death and darkness have always been a classic tattoo theme – skulls, snakes, demons, spiders, and spiderwebs are all conventional tattoo imagery. Darkside tattooing takes our fascination with mortality, death, isolation, fear, and evil to new levels.”

 (Jean-Chris Miller, The Body Art Book: A Complete, Illustrated Guide to Tattoos, Piercings, and Other Body Modifications, p. 56)

“. . . the most popular tattooed image of today, the all-pervasive grinning skull!”

(Henry Ferguson and Lynn Procter, The Art of the Tattoo, p. 76)

Skulls imprinted on skin abound, and depictions of the Grim Reaper are commonly seen. . . These images, indelibly marked on the skin, reflect uncertainty about the future and sublimate the pervasive fear of the unknown. Possibly, at the same time, to wear a death’s figure on one’s body may be an invocation of whatever undefinable forces of nature and the cosmos that exist, in an attempt to protect the wearer from such a fate.”

(Henry Ferguson and Lynn Procter, The Art of the Tattoo, p. 76)

Take a tour of most tattoo shops and morbid scenes of death, demons, serpents, and hell will engulf you! Grim reapers, flaming skulls, snakes crawling through skulls, demons, Satan, pornography, blasphemy, naked flames of hell – every satanic scene of hell is glorified. Who do you think is the “master artist” painting such hellish scenes in the minds of the tattooist? You know as well as I do who’s the real “master tattooist”. . .

And his name… was Death

In Revelation chapter 6, Satan’s man, the anti-Christ, is introduced making his grand entrance during the tribulation. And the Bible gives his name as Death.

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Revelation 6:8

The symbol of Death

Death entered into the world in Genesis chapter 3 by the seduction of Satan. Satan’s victory was death. No wonder his followers decorate themselves with his “trademark” of death.

Just as Jesus is Life and the giver of Life. Satan is Death and the author of Death.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

John 1:3

I am that bread of life.”

John 6:48

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…”

John 11:25

Source: Terry Watkins www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos

Tatto: a mark of disgrace

“The Latin word for the tattoo was stigma and the original meaning is reflected in modern dictionaries. Among the definitions of stigma listed by Webster is a prick with a pointed instrument, . . . a distinguishing mark cut into the flesh of a slave or a criminal, and a mark of disgrace or reproach.”

(Gilbert, Steve, Tattoo History: A Source Book, p. 15)

In addition to being a form of self-destruction, the tattoo seals the wearer off from the rest of normal society forever. It’s not all that surprising to note that the largest number of tattooed in Japan belong to the underworld, and in America, tattoos are most prevalent either in jail or hard rock bands.”

(Danny Sugerman, Appetite for Destruction: the Days of Guns Ní Roses, p. 40)

Source: Terry Watkins www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos

Tattoo and personality disorders

Studies also show that “self-inflicted” tattoos are frequently associated with people with personality disorders, troubled backgrounds, and self-mutilation tendencies.

“Evidence indicates that it is the mere presence of the tattoo, not its artistic content, that correlates with certain diagnoses. Thus, any tattoo can be viewed as a warning sign that should alert the practicing physician to look for underlying psychiatric conditions.”

(Raspa, Robert F. and John Cusack 1990, Psychiatric Implications of Tattoos, American Family Physician. 41: p. 1483)

“. . .studies suggests that people with personality disorders frequently have multiple small tattoos. . .”

 (Ronald Scutt, Art, Sex and Symbol, 1974, p. 115)

“. . . the presence of tattooing was often indicative of a deprived and troubled background,. . .”

(Ronald Scutt, Art, Sex and Symbol, 1974, p. 117)

 “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die…”

Think before you get that tattoo. . .

 A tattooing machine can puncture the skin 3,000 times a minute. And every one of those thousands of punctures creates a hole 1/64 to 1/16th of an inch into the dermis that literally invites infection and disease. Every single puncture of the tattoo needle opens up the real possibility of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, tetanus, tuberculosis, and any other blood-borne disease. With the average tattoo taking about 60 minutes that equals 180,000 tiny “Russian Roulette” puncture wounds providing a potential path to a very deadly infectious disease.

Source: Terry Watkins www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos

5 My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness.  6 I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long. 7 For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 I am feeble and sore broken: I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart.”

Psalm 38

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