It may sound like science fiction, but it’s not. NPR reports that scientists not only may soon be able to mass produce eggs and sperm in a lab from any cell in a person’s body but will be able to create embryos to make a child using just one parent’s cells.
Known as in vitro gametogenesis, or IVG, this means humans could create babies and give birth just with their own DNA, without the “help” of someone else’s sperm and eggs. Scientists say this isn’t a matter of if it can be done, but when.
The implications of the process are far-reaching, with ethical questions to address, such as whether a dead person could produce a baby through a few preserved cells, or if someone far too old or too young to have children could become parents this way.

The possibility of creating “designer” babies is also on the table. If it sounds just too wild to be true, be aware that this process has already been done in mice.
NPR May 25, 2023
WTF ???
“Humans could create babies”?
These offspring will not be human anymore!
Scientists are silent about that fact.
It’s a rebellion against the Creator, his
punishment will certainly follow.
I was not joking with the title of this post: humanity will end when no more humans are on Earth. Hybrid, barren, one-parent designer creations are not humans. It is monstrous.
Sincerely, Ben
In 2023-05-25