
In 2010, on a sunny afternoon, I was sitting in a pub with a good friend of mine. We had a casual conversation about how we were doing. Then he had a remarkable statement about his college:

“his children became autistic after vaccination. Twins. The girl took a slight version, but the boy got a severe type of autism.

As he worked as a criminal lawyer at the police headquarters, I could not doubt his words. I was shocked and silenced.

At that time, I believed for 100%, vaccines were effective and safe. But what my friend told me made me concerned. Returning home, I felt the need to learn about vaccines. I wanted to see evidence and studies about vaccine safety. I bought books. I talked to friends, asked nurses, doctors, and I had loads of questions. Most of the time did not know where to find a reliable source. I had read day and night, websites, books, watched films and studied vaccines’ history. After months of research, I still did not know for sure: are they good or not? The only thing I knew, the truth is either on one side or the other. So I kept on browsing.

The more I learned, the more confident I became about the truth. Vaccines were my primary subject for one and a half years. I watched possibly 100 hours of videos online.  Finally, I had put together the big puzzle of vaccines. Then I knew the truth. But nobody wanted to believe me when I told them:

VACCINES do not protect you from any disease.


Vaccines are a terrible poison. They cause cancer, autism, ADHD DIABETES, SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME, and many other severe chronic diseases we cannot cure. They harm adults too.

I tried but could not stop any of my friends to vaccinate their babies. I was desperate to help and telling the truth. That was a hopeless try. Now I am calmer, but still really sorry for all those children who get vaccines and damage for life.

I am sad to see so many sick children around me. Child cancer and diabetes are a massive topic; people donate loads of money for studies. All that is vanity; scientists never question the carcinogen ingredients in vaccines or compare unvaccinated children’s health to vaccinated children.

Vaccine ingredients:

  • antifreeze,
  • aluminum,
  • aborted cow blood,
  • human albumin (human blood)
  • MRC-5, WI-38 (from aborted human babies)
  • formaldehyde(a carcinogen),
  • gelatin (ground up swine carcasses),
  • monosodium L-glutamate,
  • neomycin (antibiotic),
  • polymyxin B (antibiotic),
  • polysorbate 80 (a carcinogen),
  • potassium chloride (used in lethal injection to shut down the heart and stop breathing),
  • potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent),
  • sodium bicarbonate,
  • sodium borate (cockroach control),
  • sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive),
  • sodium phosphate (toxic to any living organism),
  • sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (harmful to any living organism),
  • sorbitol (not to be injected), s
  • treptomycin (antibiotic),
  • yeast protein,
  • urea (metabolic waste from human urine)

Are you sure newborn babies MUST get these chemicals injected into their bodies? Do you think vaccines make them healthy? Source: LearnTheRisk.org

Side effects of M-M-RVAXPRO.

I took this list from the official medical site medlineplus.gov, which is not a conspiracy theory site. These are the possible side effects the drug company admits; but pediatricians do not tell parents BEFORE vaccination. They usually inform about redness at the injection site and a little fever. They don’t tell the whole truth.

  • Sore arm from the injection
  • Fever
  • Redness or rash at the injection site
  • Swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck
  • SEIZURES (jerking or staring) is often associated with fever.
  • Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints, mostly in teenage or adult women
  • Brief low platelet count, which can cause unusual bleeding or bruise
  • Rash all over the body
  • LONG-TERM SEIZURES, COMA, or LOWERED consciousness

Are you sure you would take the risk of brain damage, coma, or deafness? If a doctor would inform you about such a medicine, would you ever take it? Would you ever give it to your baby?

See how mercury found in vaccines kills the brain.

4-minute video

My children have never got any shots, and they are fine. The last time we saw a pediatrician was two years ago. Even then, because of a minor problem. I know several unvaccinated children besides mine, and all enjoy good health. None of them died of some terrible infectious disease they tried to scare us with. Be aware of other unknown facts! When a baby is born, nurses inject K-vitamin in their body without asking the parent. K-vitamin shots are useless and may harm your baby. It would be best if you told them you do not want to receive it in advance.
Recommended immunizations before travel are a total waste of time and money, and what is even worse, they can damage your health. There are several stories on the internet about adults who got very sick after travel shots. The internet is full of stories about young girls who died or got into a wheelchair after getting the Gardasil shot.

Be aware that finding the truth via google channels became difficult nowadays. Their sophisticated search engine hides the real stories on youtube. A couple of years ago, it was different; today, if you search for the vaccine debate, youtube will feed you only with their highly ranked distortions with Bill Gates and other paid experts selling you the LIES.
Who paid me for telling you the truth?

Reasons Not To Vaccinate

  • Vaccines have never been proven safe or effective. True, scientific, double-blind placebo studies have never been conducted on vaccines to determine their safety.
  • Vaccines do NOT work. They may create a temporary increase in antibodies for a particular disease, but this does not equate to immunity to disease.
  • The very first vaccine was a disaster.
  • Vaccines are highly profitable for pharmaceutical companies and the health care industry.
  • Every study comparing unvaccinated to vaccinated children demonstrates that unvaccinated children enjoy far superior health.
  • The only way to create true life-long immunity to a disease is through natural exposure to the disease in which the body creates true antibodies and immunity on many levels.
  • Vaccines kill infants, children and adults. Strong evidence links vaccines to sudden infant death syndrome.
  • If somebody suffers from a vaccine injury, pharmaceutical companies and doctors hold no medical liability.

Source: www.vactruth.com

DAN! Conference

If you can document with videotapes or photographs that your child was normal and became autistic after the vaccine, wave your arm. Ok. I hope you get that on CBS!”

Dr. Bernard Rimland

Duration: 1 minute.


“Fuck cancer” is a motto for a Swedish organization, which supports young people between 16 and 30 who get the disease. I had seen their bracelet on a friend of mine; that’s why I checked them out on the web. I discovered that there is a vast number of children and young who get cancer. It is grief how many young people get this terrible disease. When I look at the cancer blogs, my heart fills with sorrow.

“It is OK to be angry, to hate cancer, to scream and use bad words.”
Multifold of young people under 30 years of age get cancer every year.

They explain the bad language in the motto:
“It is OK to be angry, to hate cancer, to scream and use bad words.”

Why are they angry at cancer but not the thirty formaldehyde-containing vaccines they received when they were babies and kids?

But there is an enormous difference if somebody gets cancer twenty years old or sixty-five years old.
Children can not get cancer because of bad lifestyle habits, like drinking or smoking! They get cancer from vaccines. It’s common sense. When people ask the doctor about the cause of childhood cancer, it reminds me of a situation where the blind are trying to help the blind. None of them know the truth about vaccinations.

Some facts:

  • One child a day gets a cancer diagnosis in Sweden. (Population: 10 million)
  • Two kids a day get a diabetes diagnosis.
  • One in 100 is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Stockholm, there are about thirty thousand children who live with ADHD or ASD.
  • Almost every childhood vaccinations contain formaldehyde.
  • Formaldehyde is a potent carcinogen.
  • There are no long-term studies in human history that prove that vaccine-free children get as much cancer, diabetes, or ASD/ADHD as vaccinated children. Why?

Formaldehyde: Don’t Breathe or Touch – Injecting is Just Fine!

“As with other toxins such as mercury, this new government warning concerning formaldehyde is contradictory and confusing. How could the government recommend limiting exposure to formaldehyde as much as possible and yet at the same time recommend injecting your child with frequent doses of it via 25 recommended vaccines by the age of 6 months, 36 vaccines by the age of 18 months, 43 vaccines by the age of 4-6 years old and a whopping 68 vaccines by the ages of 11-12 years old?

Could one cause of the increasing cases of childhood cancers be due to the use of formaldehyde in vaccines? 

Formaldehyde preserves carcasses for a very long time.

Oh, and if you’re worried about cancer for yourself, remember that the CDC recommends 141 vaccines for adults! Considering that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are stricken with cancer in their lifetime, and this is predicted to double by 2050, it seems wise to skip the shots.

The government may be talking out of both sides of its mouth with regard to the dangers of formaldehyde, but parents can’t afford to be confused about its dangers where the health of their children is concerned.”

Source: Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist.com, New York TimesWarnings Issued for Formaldehyde and Styrene


Andreas Bachmair: Vaccine free

This book is a moving testament to the body’s power to take care of itself and the trust that people put in that natural process. In this book, based on research with more than 15000 participants from all over the world, you will find stories of families who investigated the vaccine topic carefully and thoroughly because they love and want to protect their children. These stories will educate you not to follow public opinion and propaganda but rather question what is happening and become informed when making decisions that pertain to your children’s health and future generations.

Neil Z. Miller: Vaccines – Are they really safe and effective?

This bestselling immunization handbook evaluates each vaccine for safety, efficacy, and long-term effects. It contains crucial, uncensored information that many doctors don’t even know. It includes significant studies, several case histories detailing vaccine-induced damage to children, and pinpoints for parents exact conditions that may put their child at high risk. It contains 30 graphs and diagrams plus more than 900 footnotes and scientific references to confirm all of the information.

Markus Heinze: VACCeptable injuries?

According to the author’s research, vaccines severely injure – and in some cases, kill- tens of thousands of children. Targeting parents and health professionals, VACCeptable Injuries draws on verifiable databases and peer-reviewed research to make its controversial claims. Heinze is aware that many will try to discredit his work, given that he is not a doctor or a scientist. Through his academic research, he has discovered that vaccines pose an ongoing danger to our children.

Movie by Michael Leitner

You may watch a 3 minute TRAILER of the movie. (vimeo)

Check out the full length MOVIE! (1:30min)(vimeo)

Christine’s heartbraking story

The medical terror of vaccinations

Vaccine Hazards

Robert De Niro Enters the Vaccine Safety Battle


Do you still believe in vaccines?