
Have you heard before that the love of money is the root of all evil? The roman catholic church is the wealthiest organization in the world. Their wealth accumulated over many centuries; there was a time when they owned half of Mexico’s land. Cathedrals and churches all over the world contain heaps of gold, silver, and precious stones. For example, the cathedral of St. Salvator, in the small city of Zaragoza, contained ten thousand troy ounces of silver, 84 chalices, 20 of which were made of solid gold. Another church in Zaragoza had a crown on the Virgin Mary’s statue that weighed twenty-five troy pounds and was set all over with so many diamonds that no gold could be seen on it. People witnessing the crown thought it was made entirely of diamonds. The image of Mary had 365 necklaces of pearls and diamonds and innumerable crafted roses of diamonds. There were so many diamond roses that a different set of roses could adorn the idol each day for three years straight. The statue had a different skirt for each day of the year; the dresses were embroidered in gold and gems. There was another five-foot statue in that church made entirely of silver and adorned with gemstones with a diamond-studded crown of pure gold.

When the General of the English Forces saw these treasures, he exclaimed that if all the kings of Europe gathered together all of their wealth, they could not buy half of the riches in that cathedral. That was just one church in a small city in Spain, 300 years ago.

The Jesuit order of priests had a tax-free annual income from the U.S. alone of 250 million dollars and held a 51% ownership interest in the Bank of America. There are hundreds of other catholic priests’ orders, including 125 orders of monks and 414 orders of nuns in the U.S. One order of nuns, the Little Sisters of the Poor, have assets valued at one billion dollars.

The above figures are from 1983. The catholic church wealth just in the U.S. alone might be at over 300 billion.

The Vatican owns one-third of Rome’s real estate and is the largest holder of stocks and bonds in the entire world. The Pope claimed ownership of the whole universe and wears a triple crown because “he Rulez” as king over heaven, hell, and Earth.

Murder, rape, and torture

Charlotte Wells (1889-1983) wrote an exposé revealing torture and abuse that she suffered during the twenty-two years she spent in a cloistered convent. She entered the convent voluntarily, thinking she would serve Jesus, but soon found that she served the church of the devil. She was imprisoned with no way out. She wrote about how the priest used the convents as private brothels. The nuns often became pregnant. Upon giving birth, they killed the babies.

“The little nun in the convent dreads the moment when she gives birth. The child is the product of a shameful, illicit union with a drunken priest that was forced on her. She knows from bitter experience that the baby will live four to five hours at the very most. Mother superior will put her hand over its mouth and pinch its nostrils to snuff out its life. That’s why there are lime pits in all the convents. Babies bodies are tossed in these holes.” – Charlotte Wells

Other nuns have escaped cloistered nunneries and have been exposed to the world the awful life of torture and abuse suffered by nuns. (Sarah J. Richardson, Maria Monk). Their books revealed cruel rape, torture, murder, and infanticide taking place inside the nunneries.

The Roman Catholic Church has a long and dirty history of secretly disposing in mass graves those who die under suspicious circumstances. In 1993, a mass grave was uncovered on a previously closed nunnery north of Dublin, Ireland (Magdalene Laundries). That nunnery housed young girls who were held in involuntary servitude. Many of them died in the 60s and 70s. A total of 155 bodies were unearthed. The fact that the church has never reported the deaths suggests that they hid the evidence of the cause of the deaths. The Catholic Church’s power is so absolute that there has been no investigation of how the girls disappeared. Even today, they keep cloistered nuns as prisoners.

The sexual abuse of nuns has spanned the centuries. The history of celibacy (prohibition of marriage) is the story of the degradation of women and frequent abortions, and infanticide. In the ninth century, many monasteries were the haunts of homosexuals and prostitutes. The 1996 survey of nuns in the U.S. reported that a minimum of 34.000 catholic nuns had been sexually abused.

Source: Edward Hendrie – The Beast revealed

The Catholic Church does not follow the teachings of the Bible as Celibacy does not exist in it. God forbids murder, idolatry, rape, kidnapping. Prohibiting false testimony is the ninth commandment. Thousands of Catholic priests raped young children throughout history, without investigation or punishment. If a priest gets into trouble somewhere in the world because of his sins and evils, the Vatican grants the priest asylum. I have to vomit when I think about it. Their goal has been to destroy Faith and keep the folks away from the Scriptures’ real message and fundamental teachings. Their ceremonies and rituals stem from the ancient Roman pagan state religion. Catholicism is an integral part of the world’s grand deception.

 The Jesuit order

Isis-Horus-Seb (Trinity)

Ignatius of Loyola was a leader of a secret occult organization known as the Alumbrados (Spanish for Illuminati). On August 15, 1534, Loyola started a sister organization to the Alumbrados, which he called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The Jesuit order became the vilest, bloody, and persecuting order in the roman catholic church. In 1556 there were more than a thousand members in the Jesuit order in several nations. They are the secret army of the Vatican, with the leader Father General, who is known as the Black Pope. The “white” pope confessor must be a Jesuit, who visits the Vatican once a week, and he alone may absolve the Pope of his sins. The requirement that the confessor to the Pope must be a Jesuit attests to the Jesuit General’s control over the Pope. His moniker, the black Pope, signifies his esoteric but genuine power over the white Pope.

The Jesuit General has the authority to absolve persons of the sins of bigamy, murder on any harm done to others as long as the matter is not public and a cause of a scandal. The Jesuits deal in commerce and banking, which has made the order quite wealthy. Fifty-six countries banned the Jesuits in the 18th Century.

“The Church can condemn heretics to death, for any rights they have are only through our tolerance, and these rights are apparent, not real.

Franz Wernz Jesuit General 1906-1915

The Jesuit Doctrine is

  • perverse, a destroyer of all religious and honest principles,
  • insulting to Christian morals, pernicious to civil society,
  • hostile to the rights of the nation, the royal power,
  • suitable to steer up the greatest disturbances in the states,
  • are able to concieve and maintain the worst kind of corruption in men’s hearts.

The assassinations (and attempts) blamed on the Jesuits: 

Pope John Paul I, Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, Pope Paul VI, Pope Sixtus V, Pope Clement XIII, King James I (Gunpowder Plot), Pope Clement XIV. Clement XIV signed a brief about dissolving the Jesuits. The day after, they poisoned him, and he died on September 22, 1774. Pope Paul VI was almost stabbed to death by a Jesuit assassin.

The Vatican made a political and religious attack against Protestant England and planned a murderous insurrection in Ireland (1641). The objective of the barbarous conspiracy was to murder all protestants in Ireland, without exception. The Jesuits led the maniacal charge and placed their hellish imprimatur on the massacre by beginning it on the feast day of Ignatius Loyola. When the dust settled on the genocide, Rome had exterminated 150.000 innocent men, women, and children. This massacre illustrates the danger of the Vatican and its army, the Jesuits.

A subversive organization, the “Illuminati” was purportedly founded by a trained Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. In fact, the occult Illuminati was established long before Weishaupt. The Illuminati is the reincarnation of the ancient Alumbrados whose one-time leader was Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuit founder. The new organization became an alliance between the Jesuits and the compelling banking house of Rothschild. The purpose of Weishaupt was:

  • rooting out all religion and FAITH,
  • overturning the governments of the world,
  • reduce humanity
  • abolition of: private property, inheritance, patriotism and family,
  • and finally, to create a single world government controlled by the Illuminati.

This secret organization was the hidden guiding hand behind the brutal french revolution of 1787, during which 300.000 people were massacred in a godless orgy of violence.

Source: Edward Hendrie- The Beast revealed

When Karl Marx published the Manifesto of the Communist Party in 1848, he used the Illuminati ideology. If you take a closer look at today’s world’s political agenda, you can explore the aspirations of creating a world government in it. The same hidden power founded both political sides, liberalism, and conservatism. They needed to divide nations to conquer them.

There are hundreds of secret or half secret societies infiltrating governments and agencies all around the world. Here is a shortlist of them: Skull and Bones, Bilderberg Group, Round Table, Knights of Malta, Order of the Quest, Jason Society, Council of Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission, Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, The Committee of 300, Roman Club, Freemasonry, The Priory of Sion and many more.

There is a massive amount of information about these groups, , and even if you studied their history for a year, you would not get close to the truth. It is just not worth the time. You won’t find the truth there. All of them are interconnected somehow. They have a common goal and work on it day and night; they have all the economic and political power to do that. Will they accomplish? Will the wicked mega-billionaire banker families create a single world government?

I am not here to fearmonger.

Throughout history, several attempts failed to bring forth one Empire to rule the world. If you seek the truth and make an effort to understand and if you have the bravery to walk the right path, everything will be alright.

From now on, I will leave the investigation on secret societies and their wicked agenda. From course #14, we will take a look and examine life’s most important questions: Where we came from, and where are we heading? How is this place looks like, called Earth?